ASCII Art Flowers - (2024)

Art by Hayley Jane Wakenshaw

 _,-._/ \_/ \>-(_)-< hjw\_/ \_/ `-'
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Art by Joan G. Stark

 wWWWw wWWWw vVVVv (___) wWWWw (___) vVVVv (___) ~Y~ (___) vVVVv ~Y~ (___) ~Y~ \| ~Y~ (___) |/ ~Y~ \| \ |/ \| / \~Y~/ \| \ |/ \\|// \\|// \\|/// \\|// \\|// \\\|///jgs^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Art by Laura Brown

 .'`'.'`'..''.`. : .`.''.'. '. .' .'.``` .' '. ```.'..',` : `,'..' `-'`'-`)) (( ldb \|
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Lilies by Joan G. Stark

 ,_('--, (.--; ,--')_, | ;--.) .-. |.| .-. \|\|/ .-. .-.`\|/|/`_ `\|/|/` '`^jgs`^^`^``^``^``^``^``

Flower garden by Joan G. Stark

 _ _(_)_ wWWWw _ @@@@ (_)@(_) vVVVv _ @@@@ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ wWWWw (_)\ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ (___) `|/ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ \|/ (_)\ / Y \| \|/ /(_) \| |/ | \ | \ |/ | / \ | / \|/ |/ \| \|/jgs \\|// \\|/// \\\|//\\\|/// \|/// \\\|// \\|// \\\|// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Clover patch

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Lotus by Joan G. Stark

 .=.A.=. __.=./\ / \ /\.=.__(-.'-; | | ;-'.-) \ `\/ \/` / ; `\ /` ; | | | | ;,"-.-"-.-",; \\/^\ /^\// \ ` / jgs ',___,' \\V// ||| ||| |||

Spring Garden by Joan G. Stark

 , __ \/ __ /\^/`\ /o \{}/ o\ If I had a flower for each time | \/ | \ () / I thought of you, my garden | | | `> /\ <` ,,, would be full... \ \ / @@@@ (o/\/\o) {{{}} _ _ '\\//' @@()@@ _ ) ( ~Y~ @@@@ _{ ' }_ || @@@@ _(_)_ wWWWw .oOOo. @@()@@ { `.!.` } || ,/ (_)@(_) (___) OO()OO @@@@ _ ',_/Y\_,' || ,\ | /) (_)\ Y 'OOOO',,,(\|/ _(_)_ {_,_} |\ || |\\|// vVVVv`|/@@@@ _ \/{{}}}\| (_)@(_) | ,,, | | || | |;,,,(___) |@@()@@ _(_)_| ~Y~ wWWWw(_)\ (\| {{{}} | | || / / {{}}} Y \| @@@@ (_)#(_) \| (___) | \| /~Y~ \ \||/ /\\|~Y~ \|/ | \ \/ /(_) |/ |/ Y \|/ |//\|/jgs\ `\\//`,.\|/|//.|/\\|/\\|,\|/ //\|/\|.\\\| // \|\\ |/,\|/^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Tulip by Joan G. Stark

 , /\^/`\ | \/ | | | | \ \ / '\\//' || || || || , |\ || |\ | | || | | | | || / / \ \||/ /jgs `\\//` ^^^^^^^^

Bouquet of flowers by Joan G. Stark

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Art by Joan Stark

 .-.' '.-. .-( \ / )-. / '..oOOo..' \ , \.--.oOOOOOOo.--./ |\ , ( :oOOOOOOo: )_\.\/| /'--'oOOOOOOo'--'\'-.. ;/| \ .''oOOo''. /.--`'. :/|'-( / \ )-' '--. `. / //'-'.__.'-; `'-,_';// , /| '(( |\/./_ \\ . |\; ..-' \\ |\: .'`--. \\, .' .--' ))'_,-'` jgs //-' // // |/
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Tulip by Joan G. Stark

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Art by Joan Stark

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Art by Joan Stark

 , .-.-,_, )`-.>'` ( / `\ | | | | \ / / `=(\ /.=` `-;`.-' `)| , || .-'| ,_|| \_,/ , \|| .' |\|\ , ||/ ,_\` |/| |Y_, '-.'-._\||/ >_.-`Y| ` .-"||"-. \'----'/ |:. | |::. | /:::: \ .:::' '. /::: \ ;:::' ; |::: | |::: | |::: | ;::: ; \:::. /jgs ':::.. .' `""-----""`

Tulip by Joan G. Stark

 .-""--., /` \.-.{/ \ / .' ; '. \ | / \ | |/ \| T : Y | : ; | : ||\. \ : /| \'. '. . .'| | \ `"T=T"`| / \ | ||` : | | |\ : | | | _ | . \ | | /` `-._ | : | | | | .' /'. \ . | | | | . | `\ | | | | | / | | ' \| | | : /'-. | \ ' || |/ ; | \ / | : ;| || . | '-' \ : || |/ ; / | ' ;| | ' | \ : || | ' / `\ ' \| ;' / jgs `\' | | /` `\| |/` | | | | | | |/

Art by myflix

 _.-'''. _ .' \ ,..______ .-/\`--.../ \ | '\| \_`_-. `. _ \ / _ .' / /_`\`\ \/ '. \ / /` / /\_|_\/\ '._| \ : .' / : \ _ | `\ .'__ | | __,'\ \ | __'. |/.`'----./ /| `' .''' '-. : .`"\ `'\/ |`''--.'/` \ / / | /| | \ | / | \ / / ' | '.__'____\'_ .'_.' | / | / \ ___.-'`\`'-.._ |/ .' '-. `--'` '. `. `'-._/__..._ | `-. __ `. \_..,____..' \ / / `'-' `---- \ .--'''` | ,'.__ / `-...:____ | .'/ _. ''--. ,' ,'` `\--'`. |''`,-'-. ,'`.' .' _\ \ |,' \ _,''-._ '--..._ _,-' '. '-'..__.-' `. /`-' / |'-._ `'.___ \ _ /| | /.' .`-.__..'`\ ,-'.---'''`/`'./ `. |-. |/ / _\'-._`| / -''- ,'-. mx| | \ \ / \ ' | .' .-'''-,'\ \ `|/ ',.--. ' .'\.__`| | ' ,' | ' ' ,' `\ ' \ \ . / \ ' | / /--. '. '. / .' | _,' .' '`'--,'. \. \ | | .' ' _.,' | ___ ,' \ |`-._ | /.'__.,-''' .| ' / \ | ' `-. '--' | ,' | ' / '| | ,' ' _,.-' .' / _,.--' |..--''

Art by Susie Oviatt

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Art by Marcin Glinski

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Art by Susie Oviatt

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ASCII Art Flowers - (2024)


What is the ASCII art standard? ›

ASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from the 95 printable (from a total of 128) characters defined by the ASCII Standard from 1963 and ASCII compliant character sets with proprietary extended characters (beyond the 128 characters of ...

How to copy and paste ASCII? ›

Once the ASCII art is selected, right-click on it and choose "Copy" (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C or Command+C). Navigate to the location where you want to paste the ASCII art. Right-click and choose "Paste" (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V or Command+V) to paste the ASCII art into the new location.

What is ASCII art representation? ›

An ASCII Art (AA) Generator is a tool that converts regular images or text into ASCII art. ASCII art is a form of visual representation where images or designs are created using characters from the ASCII character set.

What is the difference between ASCII and Unicode art? ›

Relationship between ASCII and Unicode

ASCII uses eight bits to encode characters, allowing it to represent only 256 characters. In contrast, Unicode can represent over one million characters with its various encoding schemes that utilize different numbers of bits for character representation.

Is ASCII still used? ›

ASCII originally contained only 128 English-language letters and symbols but was later expanded to include additional characters, including those used in other languages. ASCII continues to exist but has been largely replaced by Unicode, which can be used to encode any language.

Are all ASCII characters printable? ›

Codes 0 through 31 and 127 (decimal) are unprintable control characters. Code 32 (decimal) is a nonprinting spacing character. Codes 33 through 126 (decimal) are printable graphic characters.

Why does my ASCII art look weird? ›

Check for character limitations: Some applications or platforms may have limitations on the characters they support, which can affect the display of ASCII art. Verify if there are any restrictions on the characters that can be used in the application or platform where you are pasting the ASCII art.

Does ASCII has printable characters? ›

The most common character encoding standard is ASCII. The ASCII code assigns numerical values to 128 characters, 95 of which are printable characters used to represent human-readable text and 33 of which are non-printing characters.

How do I get an ASCII code from a character? ›

Additionally, we can get the ASCII value of a character in a string.
  1. 2.1. Use Casting. To get the ASCII value of a character, we can simply cast our char as an int: char c = 'a'; System.out.println((int) c); ...
  2. 2.2. Character Inside a String.
Jan 8, 2024

How do you write 2 in ASCII? ›

1) Press the "Alt" key on your keyboard, and do not let go. 2) While keep press "Alt", on your keyboard type the number "253", which is the number of the letter or symbol "²" in ASCII table.

How many ASCII art lines are there in code? ›

The ASCII art string should occupy 11 lines ( len(art_string. split('\n')) ) when printed or written to a text file.

How does image to ASCII work? ›

How it works:
  1. Convert the input image to grayscale.
  2. Split the image into M×N tiles.
  3. Correct M (the number of rows) to match the image and font aspect ratio.
  4. Compute the average brightness for each image tile and then look up a suitable ASCII character for each.
Feb 8, 2024

What is ASCII art in Python? ›

ASCII art is also known as "computer text art". It involves the smart placement of typed special characters or letters to make a visual shape that is spread over multiple lines of text.

Is ASCII 127 or 128? ›

The ASCII table has 128 characters, with values from 0 through 127. Thus, 7 bits are sufficient to represent a character in ASCII; however, most computers typically reserve 1 byte, (8 bits), for an ASCII character.

Is ASCII 128 or 256? ›

Ex. using 2 bits we can represent 2^2 =4 values 00 01 10 11 Using 3 bits 2^3=8 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 ASCII is 8 bit code system it has 2^8=256 characters. These are enough to represent all alphabets, numbers and special symbols and some functions also. Also, ASCII has 128 possible values, not 256.

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Article information

Author: Arline Emard IV

Last Updated:

Views: 5636

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.