Asian Hair Loss (2024)

Interesting facts on Asian Hair Loss

Castration was an ancient method of punishment and also a requirement for those seeking imperial employment. It was also noted that those who were put through this process of castration, also retained hair.

Smoking tends to age the body in particular the skin. It is a fact that as we get older our hair growth cycle speeds up resulting in a natural hair thinning of varying severity. As smoking is known to increase the skins aging process it is likely that the hair growth cycle will also increase in speed prematurely resulting in hair thinning. Diagnosis is the key to knowing how to deal with it most effectively.

If you would like to speak with a trichologist please contact the helpline of your choice and we will be happy to advise you.

Asian hair loss in men in particular tend to have less body and beard hair.

Furthermore Asian hair is often used for wigs and hair pieces due its strength and resilience.

Asian hair loss(mongoloid) is considered the thickest and strongest of the hair types.

More About Asian Hair

The structure contains a central medulla (core) which helps to give this type of hair its very dark brown/black hair colour. The cuticle in most cases tends to be thicker. There are fewer hairs per square inch than that of Caucasoid hair types however the hair often appears thicker.

Your hair follicles tend to be of an oval shape and positioned like that of other hair follicles at a 45 degree angle.

It is suggested that Asian hair grows at a faster rate. This is debatable. Asian hair types tend to have a longer anagen phase (growth) up to nice years compared that that of the average of 5-7 years.

As an Asian you are likely to shed fewer hairs per day.

Care should be given to the scalp as there is an increased likelihood of keloid scarring if the scalp is damaged.

Asian Hair Loss (2024)
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