Can canceling car insurance affect your credit score? (2024)

I want to cancel my car insurance, but I don't want it to impact my credit score. What might happen if I do?

Can canceling car insurance affect your credit score? (7)

Emily Maracle · Updated on

Reviewed by Shannon Martin, Licensed Insurance Agent.

“Canceling your

car insurance

policy shouldn’t impact your credit score.

While car insurance companies look at your credit score to determine your rate, they don’t use your credit beyond that. Canceling insurance would be different than canceling a credit card or closing a loan. Not having insurance has nothing to do with your creditworthiness.

However, if you cancel your car insurance policy and have an unpaid balance, your car insurance agency could send you to collections. If they did, the balance would affect your credit score.

Be aware that canceling your car insurance can impact other areas of your life, which could impact your credit. If you cancel your insurance and don’t start a new policy, you could face fines from the DMV. If these fines cause financial hardship, you may not be able to pay your other bills, which will impact your credit.

Additionally, if you get into a car accident without insurance, you’d be responsible for all costs out of pocket. Again, this could cause financial hardship, which eventually may impact your credit.

Before you cancel your insurance, shop around for a new car insurance policy with


. As an end-to-end online insurance broker, Jerry takes care of the quotes and paperwork so you can find the best rate and coverage.”

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Can canceling car insurance affect your credit score? (8)

Can canceling car insurance affect your credit score? (9)Can canceling car insurance affect your credit score? (10)

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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