Child protection plans (2024)

What is a child protection plan?

Children at risk may be made the subject of a child protection plan.

Before April 2008, children at risk would have been placed on the child protection register. The child protection register no longer exists.

How a child protection plan is created

A child protection plan is drawn up at a child protection conference. The plan is a written record for parents and carers and professionals which sets out:

  • who the key worker is - usually the social worker
  • what work needs to be done to reduce the concern
  • what needs your child has and how we can help to meet them
  • what needs you as a parent have and in what ways we can help
  • concerns and why the work needs to happen
  • a time frame for when the work should happen
  • specific responsibilities of who should do the work.

Remember, we want to keep families close, and ideally together, so we will explore all the options before recommending that a child should be away from their family for any period of time.

How is the child protection plan made?

If, at the initial conference, it was agreed that the child is at risk of significant harm, and a decision was made that action needs to be taken to protect the child, an outline child protection plan will be agreed and a core group identified.

The core group should meet with you within two weeks of the conference to agree a detailed child protection plan, and after that regularly on a six to nine weekly cycle in order to review it.

What is the core group?

The core group includes the professionals who need to work with you. It is likely to include the parents or carers, the social worker, a teacher from school or a nursery nurse, a health visitor or school nurse and any other professional who is in regular contact with your family.

Do I need to attend core group meetings?

It is vital that you attend because without your involvement we cannot achieve change that will keep your child safe and improve their chances in life. We also know that you can make an important contribution in helping the professionals to understand your family situation.

How long will my child have a child protection plan for?

Usually a child will require a child protection plan for no longer than two years. By that stage the work undertaken with the family usually means that the child is no longer at risk. In a small number of cases where there is no improvement, it may be necessary for the court to become involved.

Working with children who have child protection plans

If your child is made the subject of a child protection plan, it means that the network of agencies considers your child to be at risk of significant harm in one or more of the following four categories:

  • physical abuse
  • sexual abuse
  • emotional abuse
  • neglect.

If a child is the subject of a child protection plan, a social worker can make announced and unannounced visits to check on the home circ*mstances.

Greenwich Safeguarding Children Board website

Child protection plans (2024)


What happens if you don't stick to a child protection plan? ›

If the child protection plan isn't working

If the people who made the plan think it isn't enough to keep your child safe, your local council might apply to the court for a care order.

What to expect at a child protection conference? ›

The Conference, which usually lasts around two hours, will always start with introductions so that everyone knows who is present and what their role is. The professionals will take it in turns to talk about their involvement with the child and family.

What is the primary goal of a child protection worker? ›

Child welfare social workers specifically focus on protecting the most vulnerable in our society and supporting children and families in need of assistance.

Which form of abuse is the biggest cause of a child needing protection? ›

Neglect is the ongoing failure to meet a child's basic needs and the most common form of child abuse2. A child might be left hungry or dirty, or without proper clothing, shelter, supervision or health care. This can put children and young people in danger.

Can social services force you to end a relationship? ›

Child social services, also known as child protective services or similar agencies, generally do not have the authority to directly end a relationship between two consenting adults. Their primary focus is the well-being and safety of children.

How should you respond to a child's disclosure? ›

The following steps are suggested for dealing with a disclosure of abuse form a child:
  1. React calmly.
  2. Listen carefully and attentively.
  3. Take the child seriously.
  4. Reassure the child that they have taken the right action in talking to you.
  5. Do not promise to keep anything secret.
  6. Ask questions for clarification only.

What is a serious case review and when does it take place? ›

Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) were established under the Children Act (2004) to review cases where a child has died and abuse or neglect is known or suspected. SCRs could additionally be carried out where a child has not died, but has come to serious harm as a result of abuse or neglect.

What should be included in the child protection conference report? ›

The record of the assessment by the social worker should form a part of the report. The conference report should include information on the dates the child was seen by the social worker during the course of the Section 47 Enquiries, if the child was seen alone and if not, who was present and for what reasons.

What should be included in child protection referral? ›

Your involvement with the person(s) you're concerned about. The nature of the concern, expressed in a clear and concise way. If there is an alleged perpetrator (someone accused of being responsible for the abuse or harm), any identifiable information including their name, known location or employment details.

Why is a child put on a child protection plan? ›

The overall aims of the Child Protection Plan are: To ensure the child is safe and prevent him or her from suffering further harm by supporting the strengths, addressing the vulnerabilities and risk factors and helping meet the child's unmet needs; To promote the child's welfare, health and development; and.

Does emotional abuse need to be reported? ›

State child abuse laws are extensive and include prohibitions on emotional abuse. And anyone who suspects a child is being emotionally abused should report it to the police or other child authorities.

Which of the following statements about emotional abuse is not true? ›

The statement about emotional abuse which is not true is: 'It does not need to be reported'.

What type of abuse is the most damaging? ›

Studies show emotional abuse may be the most damaging form of maltreatment causing adverse developmental consequences equivalent to, or more severe than, those of other forms of abuse (Hart et al. 1996).

What is not considered abuse? ›

2 Physical discipline, such as spanking or paddling, is not considered abuse as long as it is reasonable and causes no bodily injury to the child. Injuries from physical abuse could range from minor bruises to severe fractures or death.

What type of abuse is making a child feel worthless? ›

The persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child's emotional development. It may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meets the needs of another person.

What are the penalties for failing to comply with the one child policy? ›

In addition, those who violated the one-child policy could lose their jobs, their titles, a portion of medical insurance, and opportunities for higher education for the second child; they could also face sterilization and the labeling of the second child as a "black child".

Can I say no to a child in need plan? ›

If parents or a young person of age of understanding, (particularly those aged 16 or 17) refuse the support offered under the proposed plan there will need to be further consideration as to the potential impact upon the child.

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