How Much to Tip a Barber (2024)

Tipping is a huge part of any service industry. But how much should you give to your barber? Let's unpack proper barbershop etiquette.

How Much to Tip a Barber (1)

A clean shave and a good fade can make you feel like a million bucks. And once you find a barber that gets it right, you always go back.

So, how much should you tip as a thank you for their valuable services?

Get the tipping breakdown below.

How much do you tip a barber for a haircut?

You should tip 15% - 20% of the entire bill for good service. You can tip more for exceptional service or less if you felt the work was inadequate.

Calculate How Much to Tip Barber

Should you tip 20% on a $30 haircut?
For good service, it's customary to tip your barber 20% for a $30 haircut. The final amount you'd expect to pay is $36.

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Haircut tip amount based on location

How much you tip may change depending on your area. This is what you should know about the following locales:

  • New York City - 15% - 20% of the total bill
  • Canada - 15% - 20% of the total bill
  • United Kingdom - Tipping is less common in the UK and only done for exceptional service. You can tip your barber a few extra pounds for their work or 10% of the total bill.

How much to tip cheat sheet

Using 20% as a tipping baseline, here's what you'd expect to pay for the tip:

  • $20 haircut - $4 tip
  • $25 haircut - $5 tip
  • $30 haircut - $6 tip
  • $35 haircut - $7 tip
  • $40 haircut - $8 tip

How much do you tip a barber at Christmas? An additional holiday 'bonus' of $15 - $30 is a good way to thank your barber for all their work throughout the year. If you've been going to them for a long time, you can even tip a little more as a more personal 'thank you'.

How much do you tip at hair salons?

The standard tipping rate for hair salons is 15% - 25% of the total bill. Hair salons have a reputation for dealing with more complex services such as coloring or styling.

How much to tip hairdressers on a $100 haircut?
If you decide to tip 20% for a $100 haircut, you'd tip $20.

How much to tip hairdressers on a $200 haircut?
If you decide to tip 20% for a $200 haircut, you'd tip $40.

How much to tip hairdressers on a $300 haircut?
20% on a $300 haircut would come out to $60.

Bottom line

Having a great barber is important for your day-to-day life, and a generous tip is a good way to foster this relationship. Be sure to tip more during the holidays as a "thank you" for a year of great haircuts.

This small gesture will surely be noticed and is a nice token of appreciation.

Amber Kong is a content specialist at CreditDonkey, a personal finance comparison and reviews website. Write to Amber Kong at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for our latest posts.

How Much to Tip a Barber (2024)


How Much to Tip a Barber? ›

The recommended tipping standard for barbers is 15-20% of the total cost of the haircut. This means that if your cut costs $40, you should tip between $6-$8. Of course, tipping is always at your discretion. Feel free to tip more or less, depending on those considerations above.

How much tip for a $30 haircut? ›

Generally, you should tip a hairdresser 20 percent if you're happy with all aspects of your service, says Hodges.

How much do you tip a barber for a $20 haircut? ›

Generally speaking, for good service, you should tip 15 to 20 percent of the entire bill. Tip more for exceptional service or less for what you consider to be inadequate service. Tipping is your way of saying “job well done,” so tip more if the person performing the service has gone above and beyond what is expected.

How much do you tip for a $40 haircut? ›

Remember the golden rule: "You should tip 20% on the entire service cost, not per individual," says Schweitzer. So if your haircut and blow-dry cost $40 total, and your color was $60, your total service cost comes to $100. That means you should tip $20 divided between the colorist and stylist.

Is $10 a good tip for a barber? ›

$10 to $20 is generous,” Rivera said. “Most people will do $5.” Others said people should leave a similar tip to what they would leave at a restaurant. “I would say around 20% is fine,” said Adam Quintero, owner of Up Hair in the Castro.

Is $5 a good tip on a $25 haircut? ›

20 percent to 25 percent:

20 percent is the most common tipping percentage in the hair industry. Tipping anywhere from 20 to 25 percent is a great range for anyone who is a salon regular or just received a haircut they love. Tipping properly is a great way to strengthen the relationship with your stylist.

Is a $5 tip good for a $20 haircut? ›

Sure, $5 tip on $20 haircut is 25%, especially if that's what you'd give him/her for the same haircut if you didn't have a coupon. Generally speaking, the protocol is you tip on the normal price of a service. Coupon applies to the charge for service, not what you're tipping for good or exceptional service.

Is it rude not to tip your barber? ›

Do tip your barber or hairdresser. Tipping is a way to show appreciation for good service, and it's expected in most cases. If you're happy with the service you received, it's appropriate to tip your barber or hairdresser. Don't feel obligated to tip if you're not satisfied.

Do barbers expect tips? ›

Though the conversation of tipping is up for debate, tips are still a large part of a barber's income. As a client, tipping your barber 15-20% on the total bill is customary in the United States. Giving your barber a tip is a way of saying, “Thank you! You did a great job.

Is $20 a good tip for a $60 haircut? ›

How much should you tip your hairdresser? We asked three etiquette experts, two salon professionals and a certified financial planner. Most of these experts suggest leaving 15% to 20%, depending on the service and your satisfaction. Going with 20% is nice for the stylist and you because that math is pretty simple.

Is $40 expensive for a haircut? ›

Average haircut costs at a barbershop typically range from $20 to $40, with specialty styles costing more. Location, experience and reputation of the barber, and amenities offered by the shop can affect prices.

Is $10 a good tip for a $25 haircut? ›

Using 20% as a tipping baseline, here's what you'd expect to pay for the tip: $20 haircut - $4 tip. $25 haircut - $5 tip.

How much do you tip for a $45 haircut? ›

This means tipping at least 20% of each stylist's regular service fee. So if your haircut was $45 and your color was $75, you'd tip at least $9 to the stylist who cut your hair and $15 to your colorist. As for the assistants, $5 is often suitable as a tip.

Is $5 enough tip for a barber? ›

Generally, you should tip your barber or stylist 10-15% of the service price. For instance, if you paid $50 for a haircut, you would tip $5-10.

Is a $30 haircut expensive? ›

In many places, $30 could be considered a reasonable price for a basic haircut. However, in upscale hair salons or in certain cities, $30 might be considered cheap. It's best to research local prices to understand what is considered standard in your specific area.

Do you tip a barber if he owns the shop? ›

Tip the shop owner like a normal barber if they're cutting your hair. Owners don't always expect a tip, but offering 15-20% is appropriate.

How much is a 20% tip on a $30 bill? ›

How much would you tip on a $30 restaurant bill if you tip 20%? That would be $6. Here's a more complex example. Say a bill is $18.46 and you want to tip 20%.

What is 20% off $30? ›

Answer and Explanation:

20 percent of 30 dollars is 6 dollars.

How much to tip on a $30 haircut on Reddit? ›

20% is my rule of thumb.

Is $30 dollars a lot for a haircut? ›

Is 30 dollars expensive for a haircut? At $30, haircuts from chain salons and barbers are fairly standard. The specialized style options, variety of talents offered as well as exclusive products one would experience at a full-service salon may be absent.

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