How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (2024)

How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (1)

The Rustic Garden Garden Design Series

Ah, the rustic garden! It just feels so relaxed and down to earth. Kind of “homey”, yet charming in its own unassuming way. It’s actually one of the most budget friendly yard and garden designs and quite easy to accomplish with materials you probably already have laying around house or garage. In this article, I’ll show you how you can get the look for your garden, even if you don’t live out in the country.

The rustic garden is associated with nature and its rugged, un-refined surfaces. There are distinct weather-worn features such as peeling paint, faded colors or rust. Nothing particularly attractive and yet the rustic garden is one of the most enduring and endearing of designs.

How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (2)

Why go with a rustic garden?

Rustic gardens are low key. I didn’t say low maintenance! (I don’t know of a single garden that’s low maintenance) But this design does capture the essence of a casual, laid back setting. It’s a garden and gardener that’s not rushed, not terribly fussy, and content with simple pleasures.

With its rural, old-fashioned ‘look’, this design has some overlap with other garden themes such as vintage, farmhouse and salvage. It’s familiar territory full of fond memories.

The rustic look is also one of the cheapest to reproduce. It comes naturally to anyone out in the countryside, in a forest or on the farm where materials are mostly free and readily available.

When I moved to my five acres in the mountains, I decided to preserve as much of the surrounding vegetation as possible. After clearing a spot for a little house, there was no shortage of logs and tree limbs to create fences and line pathways. I guess you could say my garden came “rustic” by default. If I want something else, it’s gonna require a lot of work!

How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (3)

You can still create a rustic garden even if you live in the suburbs. It’s fairly cost-effective to do, without too much effort.

TIP: Don’t try to do it all in one summer. Creating a theme in the yard or garden evolves over time, and you’ll get a better sense of how its developing and what is needed as you go along.

How to get the look

Use wood in any capacity. Even if you’re not out in the woods, logs and tree limbs may be available free on Craig’s List. People who are clearing land often advertise that they have remnants free for the taking. You could also inquire at a local tree removal service. Sometimes they let people come collect mulch for free.

Smaller diameter branches and sticks can be picked up while on a hike or walk on a woodland path. Railroad ties also fit the rustic garden style nicely.

Take advantage of any scrap lumber you have laying around the garage. Here, it could really come in handy and you can use it to make anything you wish!

Use other ‘natural’ materials Gravel for pathways and a few rocks (grouping of rocks) or a boulder or two give dimension and interest to an otherwise level yard. It helps to create a more natural looking woodland setting.

You can buy rocks from landscaping companies but try not to. First, check Craigs’s List. Homeowners who are redoing their yards may be disposing of rocks previously used to line a pathway or garden bed. Also, if you don’t need a lot, there are plenty of rocks to collect along river beds or a rural roadway. I once lived on a gravel road and took my little wagon along for picking bowling-ball sized rocks out of the ditch to use in my rock garden.

Other features of a Rustic Garden

Plant rustic trees. If you don’t already have trees in the backyard (and you have room for some) consider planting a pine tree, a birch tree or some rustic shrubs.

Dwarf and fastigiate options: dwarf varieties of many species are available from your local greenhouse or specialty nursery. That’s good news if you love the look of trees, but don’t have the space. In addition, trees with more of a verticle growth habit (fastigiate) are perfect choices when you don’t have space for broad, sprawling branches.

Paint the storage shed. If you have a storage shed or garden shed in the yard, work it into the rustic landscape by painting it. Good color choices would be a rich brown tone, forest green, barn red or even gray to give it an aged, weathered appearance. You’ll be amazed by what a difference it makes and how it compliments the rustic garden scene you’re creating.

Rustic Garden Decor

How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (4)

Once you have the basics going in the landscape, top it off by adding some smaller accent pieces, furniture and art to give it some personality:

  • whiskey barrel planters
  • Figurines/lawn ornaments: woodland birds and animals (owl, coyote, wolf, bunnies, deer)
  • wooden bird houses
  • old wheelbarrows (they make wonderful planters)
  • vintage metal buckets and watering cans, rusty vintage tools
  • Scarecrow or Garden Scarecrow dressed as a cowboy or other figure
  • How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (5)
  • How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (6)
  • How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (7)
  • How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (8)

As already mentioned, the rustic garden overlaps and involves other themes. So if you like vintage or farmhouse, go ahead and incorporate some scrap metal pieces, salvage, rusty farm or garden tools and machinery. Before you get into that “junkin’ frenzy” carefully consider what your yard or garden really needs to complete the look. Pick wisely. Again, your decorative accent pieces should complement the garden yard or garden, not overwhelm it.

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How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (9)


Many of us can relate to the rustic garden and perhaps that’s part of its charm. It’s rough and rugged appearance is at the same time a soothing and comfortable setting for relaxing in the backyard. It may call to mind a by-gone era sorely lacking in today’s high speed, technical world.

It’s also surprisingly easy and cost effective to do, even if you don’t live out in the country. You may even have many of the materials on hand if you scrounge around a bit. Do you have a rustic garden in your future?

If this post was helpful in anyway, please feel free to share it on Social Media and tell your friends about Make it a Garden. I’m always interested in your feedback, so leave your thoughts in the comments below. Thanks for dropping by!

How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (10)

More articles from the Garden Design Series:

The Art of the Flea Market Garden

How to Get the Look You Love for Your Garden

The Best Way to Display Vintage Tools in the Garden

How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (11)

How to Create the Perfect Rustic Garden | Make it a Garden (2024)


How do I make my garden look rustic? ›

Give your garden a rustic look with old bricks or cobblestones. Often cheaper than new pavers, old brick comes with an instant patina of moss, lichens, chips, dents, and often manufacturer's marks. Here, a vintage brick garden path was given additional interest with a series of irregular flagstones.

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Garden statues, birdbaths and urns can add so much vintage charm to any cottage garden. Look for old concrete garden fixtures at estate sales and flea markets with a bit of chippiness and patina for extra vintage goodness.

How do you start a garden layout? ›

Lay Out Your Garden on Paper

First, take a photo of your garden area and measure its approximate size. Using a ratio of 1 foot = 1 box on the graph paper, sketch the beds and containers you plan to use, leaving enough space between them to push a wheelbarrow.

How do you make rustic look elegant? ›

Favor a neutral color scheme

Rustic elegant decor tends to go heavy on white and warm grays. Layering neutrals keep rustic chic spaces dynamic and interesting without relying too heavily on any specific color palette. Pops of color should be limited and purposeful.

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Steps to Creating Your First Garden
  1. Choose Your Garden Type. Before you so much as break the soil, you should decide what kind of garden you want to grow. ...
  2. Pick Your Garden Spot. ...
  3. Test Your Soil. ...
  4. Amend Your Soil. ...
  5. Determine a Weed Strategy. ...
  6. Consider Your Sunlight. ...
  7. Plant Your Plot. ...
  8. Buy Your Plants.
Apr 25, 2023

How do I make my garden aesthetically pleasing? ›

Here are 10 expert tips to master your landscaping!
  1. Use Native Plants In Your Landscape. ...
  2. Plan Your Garden Before You Start Planting. ...
  3. Use Different Colors And Textures Of Plants To Create An Interesting Landscape. ...
  4. Incorporate Water Features Into Your Landscape Design. ...
  5. Use Lighting To Highlight Certain Areas Of Your Landscape.
Jun 24, 2022

How can I make my garden color all year round? ›

Select a variety of flowering plants that bloom at different times to ensure you have plenty of pretty flowers mingling with colorful foliage for most of the year. Many perennials bloom more than once or have an extended bloom season, such as coneflowers, easy-to-grow roses, and salvias.

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The 5 Elements of a Great Landscape Design
  • Element # 1: Line. Lines are used to monitor and control movement in landscaping. ...
  • Element # 2: Form. From usually refers to the plant shapes or other hardscape features. ...
  • Element # 3: Scale. ...
  • Element # 4: Texture. ...
  • Element # 5: Color.
Oct 17, 2022

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12 Ideas and Tips for Creating a Low-Maintenance Garden
  1. Limit the Variety of Plants in the Garden.
  2. Use Organic Matter for Low Maintenance Garden Beds.
  3. Grow Low Maintenance Garden Plants. ...
  4. Avoid Planting Perennials That Attract Pests.
  5. Use Ground Cover in Your Garden.
  6. Avoid Plants That Need Support.

What is the most basic garden layout? ›

The traditional basic vegetable garden design has been straight and long rows running from north to south. Usually anything growing tall, like corn, beans or peas are planted on the north side of the vegetable garden to keep them from casting shade on the shorter crops.

What vegetables grow best together? ›

Which Vegetables Grow Well Together?
VegetableCompanion PlantDon't Plant Together
MelonsCorn, pumpkin, radish, squashNone
OnionsBeets, carrots, Swiss chard, lettuce, peppersAll beans and peas
PeasBeans, carrots, corn, cucumbers, radish, turnipGarlic, onions
PotatoesBeans, corn, peasTomatoes
11 more rows
Jun 26, 2021

What is the most common garden layout? ›

The most basic garden plan consists of a design with straight, long rows running north to south orientation. A north to south direction will ensure that the garden gets the best sun exposure and air circulation. A garden that runs east to west tends to get too shaded from the crops growing in the preceding row.

How do you make wood look old and rustic? ›

Use tools and other objects to distress wood. Try hitting it with a hammer, mallet, or metal chain to create small divots. A wood gouge may be helpful to add a few nicks here and there. You can also press the side of a large screw into the wood or hammer the side of an awl to create a long scratch.

How do you make wood look rustic and distressed? ›

Rough Up the Wood
  1. The first step is to age the wood using tools and objects to give its texture more wear and tear. ...
  2. Start with blunt tools. ...
  3. Other techniques include dragging a metal chain across the wood surface or scratching the wood with the threads of a long, metal screw, which will leave grooves.

What makes something look rustic? ›

Rustic design is all about materials that come from the earth. Real, unprocessed woods, heavy stone, and real brick are all common elements of rustic decor. On the textile side, you will find a lot of jute, burlap, and canvas throughout the home in rugs and accent pieces.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.