Punjabi Aloo Paratha - Recipe by Spoon Fork And Food (2024)

BreakfastIndian Breads

by Shaheen Ali

written by Shaheen Ali

Punjabi Aloo Paratha - Recipe by Spoon Fork And Food (2)

Punjabis and Aloo paratha goes hand in hand. A quintessential breakfast that directly comes from the land of mustard fields is a very popular flat Indian bread stuffed with specially curated potato filling that is not just delicious but also keeps you full the whole day.

Crispy outside and soft inside, Punjabi style aloo paratha is worth a try. Best served with fresh yogurt, pickle and chutney, aloo paratha is also a great tiffin option.

Punjabi Aloo Paratha - Recipe by Spoon Fork And Food (3)

Punjabi Aloo Paratha - Recipe by Spoon Fork And Food (4)

To make dough :Mix flour with ghee and salt in a large mixing bowl. Slowly add warm water and knead to make a soft and supple dough. Cover the dough with a muslin cloth and keep aside.

To make filling :Peel and mash boiled potatoes well. Break lumps with a fork. Add all the above mentioned ingredients and combine well.

To make parathas :Pinch a large lemon sized portion of dough and roll to make a flat disk. Place spoonful of filling in between the disk. Gather all sides and collect in the center to seal. Coat the filled dough ball with some dry flour and roll out to make a round paratha with a rolling pin. Heat an iron tawa and place the filled aloo paratha and dry roast from both sides. Now add ghee / butter or oil from sides and brush a little on center and fry from both sides by flipping. Transfer the crisp aloo paratha in a plate and serve hot with fresh curd/ yogurt, pickle and chutney.

Punjabi Aloo Paratha - Recipe by Spoon Fork And Food (5)

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Punjabi Aloo Paratha

Course appetizer side dish, breakfast
Cuisine punjabi
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes



Dough :

  • 2 Cup whole wheat flour
  • 2 Cup Warm Water
  • 1 Tbsp Ghee / Clarified Butter
  • 1 Tsp salt

Filling :

  • 4 Big Potatoes Boiled
  • 1/2 Tsp Roasted Cumin Powder
  • 1 Tsp Red Chili Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Garam Masala Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Anardana/ Pomegranate powder
  • 1 Tsp Amchur / Dry mango powder
  • salt To taste
  • 1/2 Cup Fresh Coriander Finely chopped

Frying :

  • Desi ghee/ butter/ oil For frying parathas
Course appetizer side dish, breakfast
Cuisine punjabi
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes



Dough :

  • 2 Cup whole wheat flour
  • 2 Cup Warm Water
  • 1 Tbsp Ghee / Clarified Butter
  • 1 Tsp salt

Filling :

  • 4 Big Potatoes Boiled
  • 1/2 Tsp Roasted Cumin Powder
  • 1 Tsp Red Chili Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Garam Masala Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Anardana/ Pomegranate powder
  • 1 Tsp Amchur / Dry mango powder
  • salt To taste
  • 1/2 Cup Fresh Coriander Finely chopped

Frying :

  • Desi ghee/ butter/ oil For frying parathas

Punjabi Aloo Paratha - Recipe by Spoon Fork And Food (7)


To make dough :

  1. Mix flour with ghee and salt in a large mixing bowl.

  1. Slowly add warm water and knead to make a soft and supple dough.

  2. Cover the dough with a muslin cloth and keep aside.

To make filling :

  1. Peel and mash boiled potatoes well. Break lumps with a fork.

  2. Add all the above mentioned ingredients and combine well.

To make parathas :

  1. Pinch a large lemon sized portion of dough and roll to make a flat disk.

  2. Place spoonful of filling in between the disk. Gather all sides and collect in the center to seal.

  3. Coat the filled dough ball with some dry flour and roll out to make a round paratha with a rolling pin.

  4. Heat an iron tawa and place the filled aloo paratha and dry roast from both sides.

  5. Now add ghee / butter or oil from sides and brush a little on center and fry from both sides by flipping.

  6. Transfer the crisp aloo paratha in a plate and serve hot with fresh curd/ yogurt, pickle and chutney.

Recipe Notes

Punjabi Aloo Paratha - Recipe by Spoon Fork And Food (8)

If you like this Punjabi Aloo Paratha recipe then don't forget to share your feedback with me in comments below. For regular updates subcribe or follow us on Instagram @spoonforkandfood.

Love : Shaheen 💖

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breakfast recipeIndian Breakfastindian recipenorth indianPunjabi recipe

Punjabi Aloo Paratha - Recipe by Spoon Fork And Food (9)

Shaheen Ali

Hello! Welcome to Spoon Fork And Food ! I'm so happy you're here. Myself Shaheen and I am an IndianMuslim. Cooking is the way I express my creative side to the world. Welcome to my happy corner on the Internet.

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Punjabi Aloo Paratha - Recipe by Spoon Fork And Food (2024)
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