The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (2024)

Paris is a famously beautiful city: it contains some of the best museums in the world, and many artists have lived here over the centuries. It’s not at all surprising that even the metro stations in the French capital are gorgeous, with designs that range from elegant art-décor entrances to renowned statues and intricate engravings. Culture Trip has outlined exactly what visitors should look out for in Paris’ ten most beautiful metro stations.

1. Louvre-Rivoli


The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (1)

Line 1 passes through this station, which is decorated as a museum to pay homage to the nearby Louvre. It was opened in 1900 and was originally named just Louvre, but it was baptized again with its current name in 1989, after the construction of the Louvre Pyramid and the creation of a new entrance through the Palais Royal station to the Louvre. Even though it has lost its direct access to the Louvre, this station still conserves many replicas of its beautiful artwork.

2. Concorde

Train Station

The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (2)

What is so striking about the design of this metro station is its tiled walls. Many Parisian metro stations have beautiful tiled walls, but these ones, envisaged by Françoise Schein’s, resemble a huge word search puzzle, and were put in place in 1989 (200 years after the French Revolution). There is no punctuation, so it is difficult to make out what is written on the wall, but the letters are not randomly placed: they spell out the Declaration of the Rights of Man, a very important text linked to the Revolution. It is served by line 12.

3. Varenne

Museum, Train Station

The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (3)

This station is on line 13 and is located in the 7th arrondissem*nt. Much as the Louvre’s station has replicas of the artwork inside it, the Varenne metro station has replicas of the works in the nearby Rodin Museum. Rodin was considered by many to be the father of modern sculpture and one of his most famous sculptures, Le Penseur (the Thinker) is replicated here. This statue, which is famous around the world, was originally named The Poet, after Dante. The Varenne station has benches, so those visitors who are not interested in visiting the Rodin museum can ponder over the meaning of this sculpture for free while they wait for the metro to arrive.

The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (4)

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The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (5)

5. Pont Neuf

Bridge, Museum

The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (6)

Pont Neuf La Monnaie also advertises a museum that is located in the vicinities, the Monnaie de Paris (Museum of Money or the Paris Mint), so huge coins can be seen all over this station. There are also two small exhibits with ancient coins (that are actually real) and an old set of scales in this station. It opened in 1926 and is part of line 7. The station is named after the Pont Neuf (New Bridge), which is ironically the oldest bridge in Paris.

6. Palais Royal

Train Station

The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (7)

The Place Colette entrance to this station makes it one of the most beautiful in Paris, featuring a unique structure with huge, colorful glass beads that hang from it and create the illusion of being under a cupola. This striking entrance was created in 2000, to mark the 100 years that had passed since the inauguration of the Palais Royal metro station (lines 1 and 7 pass through here). The structure is the work of Jean-Michel Othoniel and is called the ‘Kiosk of the Night Walkers’.

7. Bastille

Train Station

The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (8)

Bastille Day (July 14th) is a very important date in French history, and it is still celebrated to this day with huge parades and fireworks. This station has incorporated scenes into its tiled walls from the life-changing events that took place on that day during the French Revolution at the nearby Bastille. The artwork in this metro station, which is served by line 1, resembles huge paintings or frescoes. There are five works, produced by Liliane Belembert and Odile Jacquot.

8. Arts et Metiers


The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (9)

Arts et Metiers first opened in 1904, but was redesigned in 1994 to mark the 200th anniversary of the creation of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. The redecoration gave this metro station the illusion of a submarine (it even has portholes!). The station now resembles something out of a Jules Verne novel, which was indeed one of the sources of inspiration for Francois Schuiten, a Belgian comic book artist who designed this metro station. Lines 3 and 11 pass through.

9. Liège

Train Station

The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (10)

This metro station was originally named Berlin when it was inaugurated in 1911, after the nearby Rue Berlin, but its name was changed to Liège during World War I. Liège is a city in Belgium, and it was chosen as the station and the road’s new name to pay homage to all the men who fought there to resist German advances during the war. In 1982 two artists from Liège redecorated the station and produced the stunning ceramic tiling that depicts beautiful landscapes and the most important landmarks of their province. It is part of line 13.

10. Hôtel de Ville


The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (11)

The blazon of Paris can be seen in this metro station, located in the 4th arrondissem*nt. It was recently renovated and also boasts a great quantity of pictures, maps and engravings of Paris at different stages of its history. The station, Hôtel de Ville, is named after the City Hall, which is located above it. This station was opened in 1900 as one of the eight original stations of the line that went from Porte de Vincennes to Porte Maillot. It serves lines 1 and 11.

The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (12)


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The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations In Paris (2024)


What is the nicest metro station in Paris? ›

The 10 Most Beautiful Metro Stations in Paris
  1. Louvre-Rivoli. Museum. © Kety/Flickr. ...
  2. Concorde. Train Station. © LucyCrosbie/Flickr. ...
  3. Varenne. Museum, Train Station. ...
  4. Cluny-La Sorbonne. University. ...
  5. Pont Neuf. Bridge, Museum. ...
  6. Palais Royal. Train Station. ...
  7. Bastille. Train Station. ...
  8. Arts et Metiers. Building.
Sep 28, 2023

What is the number 1 metro line in Paris? ›

Metro line 1 runs between La Défense and Château de Vincennes. Find here the line map, timetables and fares.

What is the most used Paris Metro? ›

Gare du Nord (French: [ɡaʁ dy nɔʁ]) is a station on Line 4 and Line 5 of the Paris Métro. It is the busiest station in the system (not including RER stations), with 48 million entrances a year.

What is the main metro station in Paris? ›

In particular, it stops at the Louvre as well as Paris's largest station: Châtelet-les Halles.

Which is the beautiful train station in Paris? ›

Gare du Nord

Opened in 1864, this majestic Beaux Arts complex in Paris's 10th arrondissem*nt is one of the oldest rail stations in the world, still one of the busiest, and perhaps the most magnificent. Twenty-three female statues adorn its façade, each personifying a destination served by the rail line.

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8 fabulous train journeys from Paris this year
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  • sophie LLOYD.
  • Colmar noël voyages train.
  • Provins Medieval Christmas Market.
  • Mers-les-Bains train travel.
  • Mers-les-Bains rambouillet.
  • Giverny.

Which metro line is Champs-Élysées? ›

Champs-Élysées - Clemenceau is a metro station served by metro lines 1 and 13, located in Paris 8e.

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Taking the line 6 therefore offers an unbeatable view of Paris, especially the Eiffel Tower as the metro crosses the Seine between the stops Passy and Bir-Hakeim.

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The coveted chilled air is circulated on five lines - 1, 2, 5, 9 and 14 - which generally cross the city going east to west.

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Église d'Auteuil (French pronunciation: [eɡliz dotœj]; literally "Auteuil Church") is a station of the Paris Métro in the 16th arrondissem*nt, serving Line 10 (westbound service only). With around 172,812 passenger entrances in 2016, it is the least-entered station on the Paris Métro network.

What is the best way to use the metro in Paris? ›

it's best to travel on the metro outside of commuter hours, which are from 08.00-10.00 and 17.00-20.00. By avoiding the rush means you're more likely to have an easier journey and perhaps get a seat, too.

What is the busiest station in the Paris Metro? ›

The Paris Metro is served by 16 lines and around 220 km of track. The busiest station is Gare du Nord, which is connected to the Gare de l'Est train station. From this station, you can travel to neighboring countries such as Germany and Luxembourg.

What is the most important train station in Paris? ›

Gare du Nord

The busiest railway station in Europe and the hub for trains arriving and departing Paris on the Eurostar. With Thalys the Gare du Nord also serves Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany.

What area to stay in Paris for the first time? ›

If it's your first trip to Paris and you want to immerse yourself in culture and see as many sights as possible, the best areas to stay in are the 1st, 8th and 7th arrondissem*nts.

Which Paris train station should I go to? ›

There is not one main train station in Paris, there are six of them. The busiest of them all is Gare du Nord with 220 million travelers passing through every year. Gare du Nord has the heaviest railway and passenger traffic in all of Europe and is one of the biggest train stations in the world.

What is the best train station to arrive in Paris? ›

Paris Gare du Nord is one of Paris' main train stations and is located at the heart of the city. The station is close to Gare de l'Est in the 10th arrondissem*nt and connected with several urban transport lines.

What is the best Metro station to see the Eiffel Tower? ›

The closest station to the Eiffel Tower is Champ de Mars/Tour Eiffel. You can take Metro or RER services to this stop. Then, simply hop off and stroll for less than ten minutes along the Seine to get to the monument.

Which station is from Paris to Nice? ›

The trains to Nice leave from the magnificent Gare de Lyon in central Paris, a landmark in its own right. See Gare de Lyon station guide. Hall 1 at the Gare de Lyon. The TGV may leave from Hall 1 or Hall 2, see the Paris Gare de Lyon station page.

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