The Best Teas & Tea Brands In India That Every ‘Chai Lover’ Must Try For Better Health & Taste (2024)

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There are two types of people in the world, the ones who cannot spend a day without a good hot cup of tea and the ones who can.

If you belong to the former group, you have come to the right place.

When it comes to tea, it’s all about the right flavour. But out of the many varieties of tea, black, green, oolong and what not, which one should you choose?

Not only are all these varieties great for your tastebuds, they come bearing health benefits too.

From the many flavours available from the best tea brands in India, we have narrowed down the best teas for you. Try out these exotic flavours if you haven’t already!

1. Kashmiri Kahwa For Better Immunity

As the name suggests, this tea originated in the valleys of Kashmir. It is a blend of multiple spices like cinnamon, clove, cardamom, saffron with green tea leaves. It's one of the best teas in India for the winters and helps in improving immunity, something that we all need right now. It also has benefits for your skin and weight loss.

2. Hibiscus Cinnamon Clove Tea For Weightloss

As the name suggests, this tea contains enticing flavours of cinnamon, hibiscus and clove along with Darjeeling green tea leaves. After a long, tiring day, this tea will help you detox and improve your metabolism. As a result you lose more weight!

3. Jade Calm Tea For Destressing

The unique blend of spices of the Jade Calm tea make it one of the best teas in India for relaxation. Brew a cup of tea that will improve your digestion, control your cholesterol levels and also induce sound sleep. Who doesn’t need such a wholesome cup of tea!

4. Turmeric Moringa Tea For Common Cold & Exhaustion

Turmeric is known for its medicinal, healing properties. This blend of herbal tea has turmeric along with ginger and moringa leaves. All these flavours will help you become stronger from within and fight common cold along with general body exhaustion.

5. Darjeeling Black Tea For The Exquisite Flavour

Anyone who loves tea would understand when we say that Darjeeling Black Tea is most people’s favourite. The exotic Darjeeling tea leaves will give you a strong, light sweet taste with hints of honey. The smooth texture and the wholesome aroma of a good cup of this Darjeeling tea is unbeatable.

6. Digestive Tea For Healthier Gut

If your digestion has been off balance, try out this digestive tea by Udyan Tea. Being one of the best tea brands in India, you can trust it when they say that the tea works. It has the goodness of cumin, ginger, fennel and spearmint that will help your stomach relax after a heavy meal.

7. Herbal Whole Leaf Green Tea For Immunity

This immunity boosting tea is a unique blend of herbs like ginger, tulsi, giloy, cinnamon, fennel, black pepper, ashwagandha & turmeric. If you are in Ayurvedic immunity boosting herbs, you will know how beneficial all these ingredients are.

8. Green Tea Detox Pack (60 Tea Bags) For Weight Loss

Nourish your mind body and soul with this Green Tea detox bag that comes with four different flavours. These are Himalayan Green Tea, Chamomile Mint Citrus Green Tea, Mint Melody Green Tea and Sweet Himalayan Detox Green Tea.

9. Whole Leaf Herbal Bedtime Blend For Destressing

This next tea is by one of the best tea brands in India, TreeSome. As the name suggests, this calming tea is a great stress buster and will help you get a sound sleep after a long stressful day. It has a blend of chamomile, lavender, hibiscus and jasmine amongst many other relaxing herbs.

10. Earl Grey Black Tea For Exquisite Flavour

If you call yourself a 'chai-lover' and you haven't tried Earl Grey, you're seriously missing out on some refreshing flavour. This popular English flavour of tea is a unique blend of black tea with bergamot oil, giving it a citrus flavour.

11. Moringa Matcha Green Tea For Overall Detoxification

Amongst the many health benefits of Matcha Green Tea, the most popular one is that it helps in improving metabolic rate, liver health and is rich in antioxodants. You may already know that antioxidant help in minimising the effect of the free radicals that enter our bodies.


Generally speaking all the varieties of tea, from green to black, have health benefits. However, choosing your tea mindful of these benefits is a need of the time. We all need to become healthier and work on our immunity.

Enjoy a cup that is more than just tasty!

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The Best Teas & Tea Brands In India That Every ‘Chai Lover’ Must Try For Better Health & Taste (2024)


The Best Teas & Tea Brands In India That Every ‘Chai Lover’ Must Try For Better Health & Taste? ›

Darjeeling black tea, the most famous Indian tea

Grown at an altitude of 1300 meters, Darjeeling tea leaves have an exceptional composition. Perfect to start the day, this tea has an amber color. Its slightly bitter taste has a woody, even spicy note.

Which tea has the best taste in India? ›

Darjeeling black tea, the most famous Indian tea

Grown at an altitude of 1300 meters, Darjeeling tea leaves have an exceptional composition. Perfect to start the day, this tea has an amber color. Its slightly bitter taste has a woody, even spicy note.

Which is India's No 1 tea brand? ›

Tata Tea

Tata Global Beverages Limited, a subsidiary of Tata Group, is one of the top tea brands in India that was established in 1964. Currently, Tata Tea owns the highest share in the production and distribution of tea in the country. Hence, it is the biggest tea company in India.

Which tea is good for health in India? ›

Green Tea

Green tea is not only beneficial but also excellent for health and taste. To create fragrant or flavored teas, certain loose green teas are combined with fruits or scented with flowers. Pure green tea has a crisp flavor and the power to instantly improve your spirits.

Which tea is No 1? ›

Today, black tea remains the most popular type of tea, with iced tea being a staple in the South. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, tea rooms became popular among the American upper class, and tea parties were often hosted as social events.

What is the most famous tea in India? ›

Undoubtedly, masala chai is the most renowned tea in India, known for its rich and refreshing flavours.

What is the tastiest type of tea? ›

Best Tea: The Tastiest Flavors For Your Next Cup
  • Thai Ginger Tea. ...
  • Organic Sencha Fuji Green Tea. ...
  • Iron Goddess of Mercy Oolong Tea. ...
  • Rooibos Tea. ...
  • Chamomile Lemongrass Tea. ...
  • Indian Chai Spiced Tea. ...
  • Peppermint Tea. ...
  • Silver Moonlight Wild White Tea. White tea is a true tea that offers a delicate and nuanced flavor profile.

Which tea is best taste in world? ›

Top 18 Teas in the World
  • Hōjicha. Kyoto. Japan. shutterstock. ...
  • Ceylon Black Tea. SRI LANKA. shutterstock. 4.5. ...
  • Black Tea. Fujian. China. shutterstock. ...
  • Pu Erh. Yunnan. China. shutterstock. ...
  • Darjeeling. Darjeeling District. India. shutterstock. ...
  • Green Tea. CHINA. shutterstock. ...
  • Oolong. Wuyishan. China. ...
  • White Tea. Fujian. China.
Apr 15, 2024

Which tea is more tasty? ›

Indian black teas are usually bolder and have a nuanced flavor profile, as compared to Chinese black teas. The two most popular kinds of Indian black teas are Assam Black Teas and Darjeeling Black Teas. Flavor profile : Black teas have a nuanced flavor profile and can have malty or smoky notes.

What is the most loved flavor of tea? ›

Mint Tea. Perhaps the most popular choice of flavored tea in the world is mint tea. Nearly everyone is familiar with the strong aroma and flavor of mint leaves since they are widely used in all types of cuisines.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.