The Joy Behar Lasagna Recipe! (4 Tips On Reheating) (2024)

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Joy Behar Lasagna Recipe is a comforting, hearty, and delicious dish that you just would not want to miss out on. There must be very few people who have not heard of Joy Behar and her famous lasagna recipe. Often discussed on the show ‘The View’ by her co-hosts, it is an adored meal that is made only for special occasions. Behar usually makes the Italian dish only for moderator Whoopi Goldberg on her birthday.


Ingredients to make Joy Behar Lasagna Recipe

Ingredients for Sauce

Ingredients for Cheese Mixture

The Joy Behar Lasagna Recipe! (4 Tips On Reheating) (1)

How to make Joy Behar Lasagna Recipe?

  • Prepare Oven & Noodles:

  1. Start by preheating the oven to 400 degrees F and make sure the oven rack is in the middle.
  2. Soak the lasagna noodles in hot tap water to soften them while you cook your sauce or according to box directions. This usually takes about 10 mins.
  • Make The Sauce:

  1. In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil and add diced onions and cook them over medium-low heat until translucent, this should take about 5 minutes.
  2. Then, add the garlic and stir for one minute. Add the crushed tomatoes, marinara sauce, tomato paste, oregano, basil, sea salt, and freshly ground black pepper. Simmer on medium-low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Cook The Sausage:

  1. While the sauce is simmering, cook the sausage in a deep skillet over medium-low heat, breaking them down into smaller bits with a wooden spoon, for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Prepare The Cheese Mixture:

  1. While the sauce and sausage are cooking, make the cheese filling.
  2. In a bowl, combine ricotta, one cup of Parmesan, the beaten egg, parsley, sea salt, and freshly ground black pepper and set it aside.
  • Assemble the layers:

  1. Pour one-third of the meat sauce into a casserole or baking pan of approximately 9″x 12″x 2″ size and now spread the sauce over the bottom of the dish.
  2. Then add approximately half the noodles, so that you cover the sauce with the noodles, half the shredded mozzarella, half the cheese mixture, and one-third of the sauce.
  3. Fill in the next layer with noodles, mozzarella, ricotta, and the remaining sauce.
  • Bake:

  1. Garnish with the remaining 1/4 cup of Parmesan on top and bake uncovered for 35 minutes, or until the sauce is bubbling.

Pro Tip: Ensure that your lasagna is left covered with foil for about an hour before digging into it, this will allow it to cool gradually. That might be a difficult rule to adhere to as your house will probably be filled with the aroma of it.

The Joy Behar Lasagna Recipe! (4 Tips On Reheating) (2)

How To Store And Reheat Leftovers

The leftover lasagna will keep in the fridge for at least 5 days. You can reheat individual slices in the microwave. To warm the whole casserole, cover it with foil and place in the oven at 350°F or until bubbly again.

How To Freeze And Reheat Lasagna

  • To freeze unbaked lasagna: Start by lining the pan with foil, then assemble the lasagna directly. Let it cool completely, and then freeze until solid. Once frozen, lift the frozen lasagna block from the casserole dish, wrap it in more foil, then freeze for up to a month.
  • To reheat an unbaked frozen lasagna: Remove the lasagna from the freezer and unwrap all the layers of foil. Transfer it to a dish, cover it, and let it thaw in the fridge overnight. Once thawed, bake as directed.
  • To freeze baked lasagna: Line the pan with foil, then assemble and bake as directed. Let it cool completely, then freeze until solid. Once it is frozen, lift the frozen lasagna block from the pan, wrap it in more foil, then freeze for up to a month.
  • To reheat a baked lasagna: Remove the lasagna from the freezer and unwrap all the layers of foil. Transfer it to a dish, cover it, and let it thaw in the fridge overnight. Once thawed, warm the whole casserole covered with foil in the oven at 350°F or until bubbly again.


In conclusion, lasagna is a classic Italian dish that is loved by many people around the world. It is made with layers of pasta, meat sauce, cheese, and vegetables, and baked until bubbly and golden brown. Whether you prefer a traditional meat and cheese lasagna or a vegetarian option, this dish is a comforting and satisfying meal that can be enjoyed any time of the year. With its rich and flavorful ingredients, lasagna is a dish that is sure to please everyone at the dinner table.

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The Joy Behar Lasagna Recipe! (4 Tips On Reheating) (2024)


What's the best way to reheat leftover lasagna? ›

Avoid future lasagna disappointment by reheating it in the oven instead. Preheat the oven to 350˚F and cover the lasagna (in an oven-safe dish) with aluminum foil. Place the dish in the oven for about 30 minutes, or until the lasagna is hot all the way through and the sauce is bubbling at the edges.

Can you cook lasagna the day before and then reheat? ›

But it has other perks, too: namely, that you can prepare the whole thing in advance, and store it in the fridge overnight—ready to pop in the oven an hour or so before dinner (just before the kids start to whine). Serve it for dinner that night, and reheat leftovers all week.

How long to reheat lasagna in the oven at 375 degrees? ›

Remove any plastic wrap, then wrap the lasagna in aluminum foil and bake according to the original recipe (for lasagnas that were not previously baked) or at 375°F until heated through, which will likely take about an hour. To brown the top, remove the foil and bake for another five to 10 minutes.

How long can you keep lasagna in the fridge before you bake it? ›

You can prepare lasagna up to 24 hours before baking it. To do so, follow these instructions: Assemble the lasagna in an oven-safe container and store it in the refrigerator. The temperature should be at or below 40 degrees.

What temperature should lasagna be reheated to in the oven? ›

Preheat oven to 375°. Unwrap the lasagna piece and place it on a microwavable and oven-safe dish. Thaw the lasagna in the microwave on the defrost setting for approximately 5 minutes. Remove it from the microwave, cover with foil and bake it in the oven until the internal temperature reaches 160°.

Is it better to cook lasagna and reheat? ›

Technically, you can reheat lasagna multiple times so long as you bring it up to an internal temperature of 165° each time. This temperature kills most bacteria that might be present in your leftovers. That said, the quality degrades with each reheat, so we suggest reheating lasagna one time only.

Is it better to make lasagna the day before or the day of? ›

You can make it ahead.

The lasagna needs at least 5 hours to chill and let the sauce soften the noodles, but you can definitely make it the night before (even 3 days before) and bake it when you need it. Want your own freezer lasagna? Wrap it up in foil once you assemble it, no need to bake it beforehand.

What not to do when making lasagna? ›

In the spirit of learning and lasagna, here are the top mistakes everyone makes with lasagna.
  1. Overcooking the noodles. ...
  2. Boiling noodles without oil and salt. ...
  3. Letting your lasagna get too soupy. ...
  4. Using the wrong protein. ...
  5. Overloading the layers. ...
  6. Substituting cottage cheese for ricotta. ...
  7. Using preshredded cheese.
Aug 30, 2022

Is it better to bake lasagna the night before? ›

If you make your lasagna the day before, it will probably taste better! Letting the dish set for a day let's the flavors meld. Just make sure that when you do make it, you don't overcook it is — that will make the pasta soggy; remember, you will need to reheat it when you are ready to serve.

Can you eat one week old lasagna? ›

How long do leftovers last? According to the FDA Food Code, all perishable foods that are opened or prepared should be thrown out after 7 days, maximum. No leftovers should survive in your fridge for longer than that.

Why does my lasagna fall apart? ›

Do you struggle with trying to cut freshly baked lasagna without it falling apart. As tempting as it might be to dig in right away, letting it rest for at least half an hour is key. Once it's had time to settle, cutting it into equal squares is easy peasy.

Can you eat 4 day old lasagna? ›

Cooked lasagna keeps in the refrigerator for up to five days if stored in a tightly sealed container to keep out excess moisture and other contaminants. The best way to determine whether or not lasagna has turned is to look for dried-out noodles or a sour smell emanating from the tomato sauce and cheese.

How do you reheat lasagna in the oven from the fridge? ›

Preheat the oven to 350˚F and cover the lasagna (in an oven-safe dish) with aluminum foil. Place the dish in the oven for about 30 minutes, or until the lasagna is hot all the way through and the sauce is bubbling at the edges.

How to reheat lasagna from the fridge? ›

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, and bake your lasagna it in a baking dish, covered with foil. Depending on how large your leftover lasagna portion is, it could take up to 45 minutes to heat it to warm and bubbling if it's been in the refrigerator, or about 90 minutes if you're baking it straight from the freezer.

How do you reheat lasagna without aluminum foil? ›

To reheat your lasagna in the microwave, put your lasagna in a microwave safe dish, and cover it with a damp paper towel to retain lasagna's signature gooeyness. Microwave for 90 seconds, then check to make sure it's hot all the way through.

Why does reheated lasagna taste better? ›

Have you noticed if you cut your lasagne as soon as it comes out of the oven, it can be sloppy, falls apart easily and the sauce runs to the bottom of the dish? When you have it the next day, the sauce has had time to firm up and create an even richer tomato taste,” she says.

Can you reheat lasagna left out overnight? ›

It's not recommended to eat lasagna that has been left out overnight, as bacteria can grow rapidly in food that has been left at room temperature for too long. To be safe, it's best to discard any lasagna that has been left out for more than 2 hours.

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