The Story Behind A Classic Beauty Product That’s Fit For The Queen (2024)

The Queen is Britain’s longest reigning monarch, a dab hand at colour block dressing, and at 96, in possession of a glowing complexion. Though a certain amount of mystery surrounds what has gone into retaining that royal radiance, there is one product Her Majesty is said to have relied on for decades to keep her skin looking and feeling hydrated: Elizabeth Arden’s Eight Hour Cream.

To call this an iconic product would be an understatement. As cult as they come, Eight Hour Cream was created in 1930 and has been beloved ever since. The Queen, who has bestowed the royal warrant (which denotes a company that regularly supplies goods or services to the monarch) on Elizabeth Arden, is said to use it twice a day to moisturise and prevent dehydration. The best part? It costs less than £30.

So, what does Eight Hour Cream do? It earned its name after one of Elizabeth Arden’s clients used the balm on her child’s grazed knee and, eight hours later, witnessed a visible improvement. It is still excellent for healing compromised skin today, and contains petrolatum and vitamin E to nourish the skin and seal any damage or irritation. It’s brilliant for ultra dry skin too, and can be used to soften areas of roughness – it can be applied to knees or elbows.

In professional beauty circles, make-up artists love to use Eight Hour Cream to impart a dewy sheen on skin – try melting it on to the tops of cheekbones–and it’s also a brilliant formula to try if you like a glossy eyelid, or to lend a little sheen to eyebrows. It also goes without saying that it serves as an excellent lip balm.

Over the years the Eight Hour range has expanded, and now includes a Hydrating Face Mist, All-Over Miracle Oil and Nighttime Miracle Moisturiser – to name a few – all of which work to deeply nourish and hydrate the skin.

If the Queen herself approves, then we can officially crown it a beauty bag hero.

The Story Behind A Classic Beauty Product That’s Fit For The Queen (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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