Top 10 Skills for High Performing Employees (2024)

When you are an accomplished individual with a cornucopia of skills, it can be difficult to know which of your star qualities to highlight when pursuing a job or promotion. According to a survey conducted in 2017 by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the ideal employee is a problem-solver, team player, hard worker and effective leader with excellent communication skills. Such skills are beneficial whether you are working at a fast food restaurant or in a corporate office.


Top-notch employees don’t panic or run to the supervisor with all their problems. Within the scope of their authority, they analyze data, weigh alternatives and fix problems. Critical thinking is shown in the way they astutely interpret information and consult with others who may be affected by a particular course of action. They develop strategies for preventing similar problems in the future.

Ability to Work on a Team

High-performing employees are more concerned about getting the job done than getting recognition for their role in an outcome. They are always ready to pitch in and do more than their share. Because of their reputation for dependability, others are eager to be on the same team. Excellent employees are skilled in listening, speaking, compromising, persuading and negotiating in a team environment.

Leadership Qualities

High performers are not afraid to take on more responsibility and lead others. They delegate tasks, give direction, offer support, set standards and reward positive results. They share credit with team members who pulled together to achieve shared goals. Drive, initiative and ambition also make them stand out as skilled leaders.

Communication Skills

All types of communication skills come into play in the workforce. Top performers shine in all areas, and continually challenge themselves to improve any shortcomings. Reports, memos and emails are professional and well-written. They can be trusted to facilitate a productive group discussion or direct a staff meeting. They show high emotional intelligence and have interpersonal skills such as patience, kindness and respect for others.

Intelligence and Competency

Top performers take their job responsibilities seriously and strive for excellence. They are deep thinkers who can look at a situation from all angles. They seek new knowledge and use their intellect to the fullest. In the workplace, they have a reputation for being smart, capable, motivated and talented.

Time Management

Superstars in the workplace have a reputation for efficiency and high productivity. They achieve impressive results with their ability to set priorities, goals, define performance standards, measure outcomes and assess inputs and outputs. Their mind is always on the lookout for new and better ways of getting the job done.

Technical Proficiency

Most jobs use some sort of technology and exceptional employees understand that technology can make their job easier. They continually search for ways to integrate technology into their work. They also seek opportunities to learn and refresh their technology skills. Furthermore, they make suggestions for improving overall operations through the innovative use of emerging technology and new software.

Organizational Skills

High performers have a system for managing their calendar, files and correspondence. They don’t waste time looking for a report they misplaced. They store confidential information securely, maintain it and permanently delete it when no longer needed. Deadlines and appointments take precedence over less-important tasks. They are not late for meetings because they never lose track of time.

Creativity and Innovation

Regardless of the profession, creativity matters. Organizations must continually evolve to stay relevant, which requires vision and imagination to foresee new opportunities. Employers notice employees who are skilled at coming up with suggestions and valid ideas. Workplaces that embrace creativity tend to be fun and interesting and high performers fit right in.

Analytical Skills

High performers may use intuition, too, but they prefer to base their decisions on empirical evidence. They only make recommendations after careful observation; hypothesizing, testing, measuring and synthesizing data. They have skills in both qualitative and quantitative research. High performers create charts and graphs and share them with co-workers, management and stakeholders to keep everyone informed and on the same page.

Top 10 Skills for High Performing Employees (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.