What are Educational Games? | Chaos Theory (2024)

From Guess Who? to Minecraft, it’s not unusual to see games in lessons. Games have always been used in classrooms to simplify concepts and allow for practical experience. Educational games continue to evolve with digital gaming.

In this article:

  • I’ll answer the question ‘what are educational games’
  • Provide a brief history of their use
  • Offer 6 benefits to serious games in education
  • List 5 top educational games for kids

This is a common question with a deceptively simple answer.

Educational games are those designed to teach people about a specific subject or a specific skill.

They are made predominantly for kids and students of all ages, and can be used both inside the classroom and out. Educational games are a subset of serious gaming.

One important difference is between educational games and game-based learning.

Game-based learning is the act of learning information or skills through a game. It can occur in almost any game, whether serious or not. An example of this might be chess teaching logic and strategy skills.

Educational games have been developed with specific learning outcomes in mind. Game-based learning occurs in educational games, making educational games an umbrella term for both the act of learning and the method of education.

Need to know more about serious games and why they’re so great? I recently published a guide on ‘What are Serious Games: Everything you need to know in 2020’. Read it here!

A compact history of educational games

Educational games have been an area of interest since the first computers. Here is a brief overview of key moments in the history of educational games:


  • 1971: One of the first educational games is released by MECC. Oregon Trail provided a history lesson of American pioneers in the 1800s.
  • 1977: The Apple II is released which offered gameplay on floppy disks. Apple proactively pursued the education market by selling the computers to schools.


  • 1982: To compete with the Apple II, rival computer company Comodore releases the Comodore 64. It soon became a staple in school computer labs.
  • 1985+: Multiple popular educational games are released, some which are still around today. These included: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (1985), Reader Rabbit (1986) and Math Blaster (1987).


  • 1991: The launch of the internet brings educational games online and to the masses
  • 1999: Whyville is the first educational game to successfully implement virtual world simulations, including a virtual currency.

What are Educational Games? | Chaos Theory (2)


  • 2003: A kid-friendly programming language, Scratch, is released which encourages young learners to program their own games.
  • 2006-2008: Educational gaming goes mainstream with Nintendo Wii’s Big Brain Academy (2006) and PS3’s Little Big Planet (2008).


  • 2011: Minecraft is released by developers at Sandbox. It quickly gains popularity for its game-based learning potential and within a few years, an official education edition is released.
  • 2014: The first ever Australian STEM Video Game Challenge. Participants are tasked with building, designing and testing an original video game. The challenge is designed to enhance kids’ STEM skills.

As we enter a new decade, educational games show no signs of slowing down. According to IGEA’s Digital Australia 2020 report, over half of schools (52%) currently use video games in their curriculum. STEM education is driving the trend with 61% of teachers agreeing games are beneficial in these lessons. Plus, a quarter of schools (26%) are teaching game development as part of their curriculum.

The benefits of educational games

Fun is the obvious reason to use educational games in the classroom. But aside from this, there are many more benefits to serious games in education. Here are 6 important reasons for using game-based learning in education.

Teach soft skills

While STEM and language skills are curriculum essentials, schools should also be focused on giving kids soft skills. Creative problem solving, critical thinking, leadership and collaboration are the kind of development skills many employers are looking for. Educational games are excellent at building these skills, alongside essential curriculum.

Provide real-time feedback

Educational games reinforce knowledge throughout the learning journey, as opposed to at the end of a course like traditional testing. With the ability to try again, making mistakes becomes part of the journey rather than a stressful failure. This helps increase kids’ self-esteem through positive reinforcement of their achievements and the ability to try again.

Adaptive learning

Adaptive learning provides a personalised learning experience. Using AI and similar methods, video games can respond to a user’s actions. A simple example would be difficulty levels. If a player is breezing through the tasks or struggling to complete a level, adaptive learning may raise or lower the difficulty to meet the player’s needs. This helps students develop skills at the pace which suits them best.

What are Educational Games? | Chaos Theory (3)

Increased student engagement

Educational games provide a hands-on approach to learning. They’re designed to be engaging and to motivate students to keep going. Plus, when students enjoy their learning experience they are more likely to continue it outside the classroom.

Better retention

When students are active participants in their learning, they have better retention. This is based on the concept of experiential learning (or learning through experience). Students aren’t just memorising or thinking about new concepts – they are trying them out. This helps establish new habits and behaviours.

Make big topics easier for kids

Our world is full of complex, confronting issues. Take climate change as an example. It’s a very real problem which many kids find overwhelming. Through educational games, like Chaos Theory’s Working with Water, game developers can make large issues more accessible.

5 of the best educational games for kids

The educational games market is full of exciting releases in the past decade. Here are 5 educational games that inspire me:


Lightbot is an app game – playable on iOS, Android and Amazon – designed for first-time coders. It uses puzzles based on coding to teach kids programming logic as they play. It’s suitable for all-ages and has been played over 20 million times.

Mass Mutations

Mass Mutations, by Chaos Theory, helps kids keep up with their STEM learning on school holidays (or any time of year). Players have to answer STEM-based questions to defeat the mutant plants and restore order to their town. It was based on the Australian curriculum originally, but proved so popular that a US version was released soon after.

What are Educational Games? | Chaos Theory (4)

Math Blaster

An educational gaming original, Math Blaster, is still going strong. They have moved gameplay online with math games available for preschool through to grade 6. Both parents and teachers find it easy to motivate kids to enjoy math with these games.

Trees Against the Wind (TATW)

TATW is a multiplayer game – developed by Chaos Theory – which teaches students about managing farmland in North Dakota. Players learn problem-solving and STEM skills by identifying farmland in distress and finding solutions. It’s part of an interactive exhibit at the Gateway to Science centre in North Dakota.

Reader Rabbit

Reader Rabbit has been a staple of game-based learning since the 1980s. In 2018, their most recent edition was released; Reader Rabbit Jumpsmarter. It’s available for play on iOS, Apple TV and Mac. Based on classic platform games, it includes age-appropriate educational questions to combine entertainment with learning.

Build your own educational games with Chaos Theory

Are you convinced yet of the importance of educational games for students? Read some of our other free resources on learning styles and how learning theories intersect with games theories. Game-based learning and serious gaming offer real opportunities to engage, motivate and impact students of all ages. Chaos Theory are one of Sydney’s leading game-based learning companies that can help build your ideal educational games. To get started, book a free 30-minute brainstorm session with me. Together, we can bring the vision for your educational games to life.

What are Educational Games? | Chaos Theory (2024)


What is the game-based theory of education? ›

Today's game-based learning asks students to work toward a goal by choosing actions and experiencing whatever outcomes those decisions lead to. When students make educated and informed decisions, the positive outcome moves them forward in the game.

What is the concept of educational games? ›

All types of games may be used in an educational environment, however educational games are games that are designed to help people learn about certain subjects, expand concepts, reinforce development, understand a historical event or culture, or assist them in learning a skill as they play.

What is an example of game theory in education? ›

Take a classic game theory example called “Two-Thirds of the Average,” an exercise I typically do with seventh-grade honors pre-algebra students. The rules of the game are simple: Everyone in the class picks a number from 0 to 100. The numbers are collected, and the class average is calculated.

What are 5 educational games? ›

5 Active Educational Games for Kids
  • Sylla-balls. ...
  • Letter Sound/Sight Word Road. ...
  • Letter Sound Hopscotch. ...
  • Sight Word/Letter Stomp. ...
  • Numbers Bowling.
May 19, 2021

What is the main idea of game theory? ›

The goal of game theory is to explain the strategic actions of two or more players in a given situation with set rules and outcomes. Any time a situation with two or more players involves known payouts or quantifiable consequences, we can use game theory to help determine the most likely outcomes.

What is the game theory in academics? ›

Game theory is the study of the ways in which interacting choices of economic agents produce outcomes with respect to the preferences (or utilities) of those agents, where the outcomes in question might have been intended by none of the agents.

What is the teaching method of educational games? ›

Integrating games into education is successful because it makes learning engaging, active, and personal for students. As a result, using educational games in the classroom benefits students by bolstering problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, promoting collaboration, and motivating students to learn more.

What is the game theory of learning games? ›

Connectivist theories

Connectionism is a learning theory that emphasises the role of technology and networks in facilitating learning. In game-based learning, this can be integrated through multiplayer games, social features, and online communities that allow learners to connect and collaborate in learning.

What is the characteristic of educational game? ›

The Key Features of Educational Games

These games are designed to be interactive, engaging the learner in a way that traditional teaching methods often struggle to achieve. By providing functionality such as quizzes, puzzles, and simulations, educational games actively involve the learner in the learning process.

What is game theory in simple terms? ›

Game theory studies interactive decision-making, where the outcome for each participant or "player" depends on the actions of all. If you are a player in such a game, when choosing your course of action or "strategy" you must take into account the choices of others.

What is the application of game theory in education? ›

Games theory provides models of situations in which each chosen action can give us in different cases, different results with a known probability. The objective is to find the optimal mixed strategy for the professor to ensure the best possible result, giving any mixed response strategies of the students.

What is a real life example of game theory? ›

The best example of game theory is a classical hypothesis called “Prisoners Dilemma”. According to this situation, two people are supposed to be arrested for stealing a car. They have to serve 2-year imprisonment for this. But, the police also suspects that these two people have also committed a bank robbery.

What are educational games explain with one example? ›

An example of this might be chess teaching logic and strategy skills. Educational games have been developed with specific learning outcomes in mind. Game-based learning occurs in educational games, making educational games an umbrella term for both the act of learning and the method of education.

What are educational games called? ›

Edutainment games are those designed around drilling subject matter to the user in a linear manner, while wrapping the game with entertainment aspects.

What are the 4 categories of games in teaching games for understanding? ›

Categories of Games

The model can be applied to four categories to games. These categories are: Target Games, Net/Wall Games, Striking/Fielding Games and Invasion games.

What is the game method of education? ›

Game-based learning occurs when teachers use competitive, interactive, and entertaining activities to encourage students to engage in classroom learning. They involve elements that are engaging and competitive that offer students immediate rewards.

What is the concept of game theory? ›

game theory, branch of applied mathematics that provides tools for analyzing situations in which parties, called players, make decisions that are interdependent. This interdependence causes each player to consider the other player's possible decisions, or strategies, in formulating strategy.

What is the theory of play based learning? ›

Play theory generally refers to cognitive development in younger children. Building off of Vygotsky's theory of cognition, Play Theory hypothesizes that play is an important component of both language development and understanding the external world as children play, and role play, situations to find solutions.

What is the basic principle of game theory? ›

Game theory studies interactive decision-making, where the outcome for each participant or "player" depends on the actions of all. If you are a player in such a game, when choosing your course of action or "strategy" you must take into account the choices of others.

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