Why Everyone Thinks They Are Amazing Drivers (2024)

They’ve got one mirror dangling from the car by a single wire, a multicoloured rainbow of paint scrapes on their bumper and wonder why they keep wearing out their clutch. But even the worst drivers on our roads, those who keep getting involved in accidents ‘that aren’t their fault’, believe they are, in fact, good drivers.

Statistically half of us are below average at driving. But no-one thinks that; everyone thinks they are great. Scientific studies have found that 93% of motorists judged themselves ‘above average’ at driving. One survey even found that 36% of drivers believed they were still above average while texting or sending emails at the wheel.

Of course, as the writer of this article, I’m sure that I am well into the top ten per cent and I know that you lot are among the dozens of useless drivers I see out there every day on the road. Or am I? That’s the problem: we all judge ourselves very favourably and blame everyone else when things go wrong. Perhaps I’m really rubbish…

Why Everyone Thinks They Are Amazing Drivers (1)

So why is there this over-estimate of our own abilities? Well, for a start, a team of psychologists found that people use their own definitions of what makes a good driver. For some it was being ultra slow and cautious, for others it was being able to take corners at high speed. Some even believed their ability to multi-task made them superior. After all, what could be more skilful than being able to eat a sandwich, tune the radio and turn round to talk to your kids while cruising at 70mph on the motorway?

“For a portion of drivers, their ability to text message while driving might be one of the characteristics that they believe makes them a unique and superior driver,” the scientists wrote in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

Another reason for our inflated self-image is the way it is easier to spot other people’s mistakes than your own. You may not see another vehicle in your blindspot, then they suddenly appear alongside you. Your first reaction is likely to be: “What’s that idiot doing?”

If you drive through a red light because you didn’t see it, you’ll never know you got it wrong. If you see someone else do it, you’ll think they should be banned immediately.

Similarly, you might be in the wrong lane at a junction or cut someone off without realising. Most people drive in a semi auto-pilot state, using habitual reactions to get them through the hazards of the road. It’s relatively easy to do something wrong and not even notice. But gazing out through windscreens it seems the road is littered with other drivers making mistakes. We might have made the same ones without realising.

Why Everyone Thinks They Are Amazing Drivers (2)

Think back to your driving test. Back then I knew the Highway Code, the specific manoeuvres required and how to impress the examiner. Since then I’ve forgotten the lot. I’ve replaced it with habits based on many hours at the wheel - and not all those habits constitute ‘good driving’.

Don’t forget that the lovely driving position and ergonomic controls of modern vehicle co*ckpits are designed to make the occupant of the driver’s seat feel in control, to give a commanding view of the road and ensure we feel like we’re capable of high performance driving feats. That’s one of the ways they sell us those expensive cars we can’t afford.

Finally, there is another reason we all rate ourselves higher than the rest of the fools around us. Ask people how intelligent they are and the vast majority say ‘above average’. It’s simple: we are all big heads.

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By Simon Heptinstall | February 19, 2018


Why Everyone Thinks They Are Amazing Drivers (2024)


Why do people think they're good drivers? ›

In social psychology, the name given to the condition of people overestimating their abilities is called illusory superiority. One recent survey for an insurer demonstrated a great example of this: 36% of drivers believed they were still an above-average driver while texting and driving.

What percentage of people think they are a good driver? ›

96% believe they are better drivers than average

Sliding down the scale, 18% rated their ability to drive as fair.

What percentage of Americans think they are good drivers? ›

"Although fears of self-driving vehicles appear to be easing, US drivers report high confidence in their own driving abilities," AAA said in a statement. "Despite the fact that more than 90% of crashes involve human error, three-quarters (73 percent) of US drivers consider themselves better-than-average drivers.

How can you tell if someone is a good driver? ›

A good driver is cautious, make accurate estimates of their actions, which comply with the rules of the road, but at the same time the right decisions are taken fast. He take care of the vehicle and the other road users.

Do people think they are better drivers than average? ›

Would it surprise you to read that 80% of drivers think that they are better than average? According to research by Applied Cognitive Psychologist Dr Gemma Briggs most drivers tend to be overconfident in their abilities and consider themselves to be better than the average driver.

Is being a good driver a skill? ›

Driving is a skill that empowers individuals with the freedom to explore the world. Whether you are a new driver or looking to refine your skills, becoming a good driver involves knowledge, practice, and a commitment to safety.

What age has the best drivers? ›

Baby Boomers between the ages of 63 and 72* are the best drivers, with the fewest car accidents and fewest instances of distracted driving. With over 31 million drivers on the road, baby boomers are some of the safest drivers. The second-best generation of drivers is Gen Zers and borderline early Millennials.

What gender is a better driver statistically? ›

Even though men have the higher number for in the amount of car crashes each year, women are not necessarily the best drivers either. If you look at pass rates for taking your driving test, women do not take the cake. It is said that men have a pass rate of about 49.9% and women have 43%.

Who are statistically the best drivers? ›

Women are better drivers than men, no matter what you measure
  • A 2020 study of road fatality data found that men cause twice as many fatal car accidents per mile driven as women do. ...
  • Another study by Netstar found that, according to every measure of driving competence, women scored higher.
Jul 20, 2023

Where are the nicest drivers in the US? ›

  • 5 states with best drivers. According to our survey data, these are the five states with the best driving behavior and least amount of aggressive driving.
  • Tennessee. Tennessee wins the crown of having the best drivers based on our survey data. ...
  • Oregon. ...
  • Arizona (tied) ...
  • Florida (tied) ...
  • Washington.
Mar 13, 2024

What state has the most polite drivers? ›

Delaware ranks No. 1 among the states for the most polite drivers, a new survey has found. Forbes Advisor surveyed 10,000 licensed drivers who own at least one car on nine metrics.

What is the number 1 distraction as a driver in America? ›

Texting is the most alarming distraction. Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. At 55 mph, that's like driving the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed. You cannot drive safely unless the task of driving has your full attention.

What is not a good characteristic of a good driver? ›

However, it is important to note that driving excessively slow or impeding traffic flow is not characteristic of a safe driver.

What is considered a bad driver? ›

If you do any of the following: Driving aggressively, tailgating, failing to signal, veering out of your lane, speeding, riding your brakes, making sudden stops and starts, bad parallel parking, swerving in and out of traffic.

Why do men tend to be better drivers? ›

as men seem to have an intuitive grasp of how automobiles work. That's not to say that women don't play a part in modern-day automobile engineering. Men tend to start driving at a younger age, and also tend to log more miles. They tend to improve their driving knowledge as well.

Why does it feel so good to drive? ›


It causes your blood pressure to rise, increases your heartbeat, and even a rise in body temperature. It's the flush of adventure, and it feels good. So, when driving a car gets your adrenaline pumping, your biology tells you that it's fun and exciting, which is another reason it feels great.

Why are drivers so grumpy? ›

Road rage is a general term for angry and aggressive driving behaviors such as yelling or driving recklessly. There are several possible causes, such as a tendency to get angry in general, the pressure caused by running late, or a feeling of anonymity on the road.

Do some drivers have annoying habits? ›

Aggressive driving: Drivers who speed, honk aggressively, or engage in road rage can make the road a more dangerous place for everyone. Distracted driving: Drivers who use their phones, eat, or engage in other distracting activities while driving can be a hazard to themselves and others.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.