Astro Saxena (2024)

Maturity Age of Planets?

In Astrology, normally we talk about Maturity Age of Planets. Like, we say that Jupiter matures at 16 years of age, the Sun at 21, the Moon at 24, Venus at 25, Mars at 28, Mercury at 32, Saturn at 36, Rahu at 42 and Ketu at 48.

But is it really the maturity age of planets?

As I understand, all the planets are roaming around in the sky for millions of years or may be since the beginning of existence, if at all there was something like beginning. Then how prudent it is to say that because I crossed 36 years of age, Saturn in Sky is matured now? Is it not worst display of human ego that just because I completed the age of 36 years, Saturn is matured in Sky?

Then how to understand it?

As I understood through my experience of looking at charts, dealing with people and teaching astrology, it is not the maturity age of planets but the maturity age of persons. Like –

1. Jupiter represents knowledge and education. At the age of 16 years, we decide about the stream of higher education. So at 16, we “should be” matured enough to take right decisions of our higher education.

2. Sun represents authority, career and recognition. At the age of around 21 years, we decide about the career path we want to follow. So at 21, we “should be” matured enough to take right decisions of our career path.

3. Moon represents Mind and Mental Stability of person. At least by the age of 24 years, a person “should be” able to have a matured mindset and behave in a stable way.

4. Venus represents Relationship. Maturity age of Venus at 25 would mean that by this age, person “should be” able to handle his relationship life in a matured way. After 25, he is not supposed to have childish ways of approaching a relationship.

5. Mars represents our actions, anger and aggression. At least by the age of 28x person “should be” able to handle his anger or aggression in a positive way and re-direct it in some positive causes. He is not supposed to throw his anger at random people once he is moving towards 30s.

6. Mercury represents business and communication. It means that by the age of 32 at least, person should develop his communications effectively. He should have clear idea about his business as it is expected that by the age of 32, he has already developed his skills which can help him in serving people through his business.

7. Saturn represents our duty and responsibilities in life. At least by the age of 36, person should be aware of his duties and responsibilities in this life, not only towards himself but towards others also.

8. Rahu represents our illusions and materialistic desires. At least by the age of 42, a person should get rid of his illusions and realize that his materialistic pursuits are not bringing him any long lasting happiness.

9. Ketu represents letting-go and spirituality. It means that at least by the age of 48, a person should realize his spiritual path and understand that clinging on to things or people is not going to serve any purpose.

As I understand, all these different ages are showing that person should go through his life with full awareness and learn from his life experiences/mistakes, in order to evolve or mature. Only by doing this, we can expect to improve in our lives. If we are committing the same mistake at 40 years of age which we committed at 20 years of age then what did I learn in these 20 years?

People normally ask me if the results of a particular planetary placement will be difficult or challenging throughout life. Well, if you continue to commit similar mistakes then obviously you are going to get the similar results. In order to change or evolve your life, start taking more evolved in this life.

This takes away the basic logic in matters of maturity age of planets which says that after their maturity age, planets become more mild or beneficial. As I see, this is nothing but the way of giving ourselves consolation and living life in illusion till you reach that age.

I don’t see Saturn suddenly becoming mild the day a person completes 36 years of age. But Saturn can certainly give much better results if person has learnt the lessons of Saturn in his life and taking more evolved actions. In that case, if you are taking evolved actions even at the age of 20 then also Saturn would give better results and if someone is taking childish actions even at the 60 then also Saturn can punish the individual.

Understand it by this example, suppose a Man is trying to climb a Mountain. In his 1st attempt, he may fall or slide many a times, he may have injuries or bruises and he may be able to climb it in 5 days. If the same person again tries to climb the same Mountain then he may climb in 2 days with lesser injuries.

So, did Mountain come down the 2nd time? No. Person learnt from his 1st experience and put his foot at right places which made climbing easy in 2nd attempt.

So, planets don’t become mild at a certain age. It is just that we develop an ability to handle their energy in better way. Hence, it is not maturity age of planets but of individuals.


Swami Premanand Bharti

Astro Saxena (2024)


At what degree Rahu is strong? ›

If Rahu is placed in the 5th, 9th, 7th or 10th house of a native birth chart without any malefic effects, it gives powerful and good results.

Are Mars and Mercury friends? ›

It is difficult for me to pin point any career, however Mars is Energy be it mental or physical and Mercury is communication Or presentation of knowledge or technology or art but they both do not gel with each other as they both are considered enemies.

Which planet is responsible for baby? ›

Jupiter in astrology is concerned as the giver planet, and its blessing on the native is hence necessary for childbirth. Apart from this, the position of the lord of the ninth house and the ninth house itself is analysed through the ascendant horoscope to check the possibilities of childbirth for the couple.

Who is 3rd house lord? ›

The 3rd house is ruled by the planet Mercury, which is known for its communication and intellectual abilities. The position of Mercury in the third house can significantly impact a person's communication skills, mental agility, and ability to learn and absorb knowledge.

In which signs Rahu is strong? ›

Rahu does not have a sign of its own, but it influences the sign it occupies and the lord of that sign. Rahu is exalted in Gemini and debilitated in Sagittarius. Rahu is also strong in Virgo, Aquarius, and the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses.

Is Rahu bad for everyone? ›

Rahu is a shadow planet that, when positioned wrongly in a horoscope, is said to have largely unfavourable effects on the native. It is the god of fear, materialism, confusion, obsession, and unhappiness, or more generally, all the bad aspects of a person's life, according to astrology.

Who are the enemies of Rahu? ›

  • Enemies: Sun, Moon, and Mars.
  • Neutral: Mercury, Jupiter, and Ketu.

Are Sun and Rahu friends? ›

Sun is friendly with Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars, neutral with Moon and Ketu, and enemy with Venus and Rahu. Worshiping the rising Sun and wearing red clothes on Sundays are among the remedies for Sun-related issues.

Who are the enemies of Ketu? ›

Ketu the ascetic that wants to go beyond the mundane life and achieve the final liberation. Friends Planets: Ketu is a friend of Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. Jupiter is neutral in friendship. Sun, Moon, and Mars are Ketu's enemies.

What are the powerful degrees in astrology? ›

Critical degrees are specific points within each sign that are known to have intensified astrological significance. These degrees are 0, 29, and sometimes 15 degrees. Each of these has a special energy and deals with beginnings, endings, and heightened traits or intensity.

What are the strong degrees in astrology? ›

Here are the critical degrees for the signs at a glance:
  • Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn): 0, 13, and 26 degrees.
  • Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): 8-9 and 21-22 degrees.
  • Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces): 4 and 17 degrees.
Nov 16, 2021

What is the millionaire degree in astrology? ›

If there are planets in the human horoscope in the 27th, 28th, 29th degrees, such a person can achieve something special in his life. There are many millionaires with planets at 27, 28, 29 degrees in all signs, but most in earth or water signs.

How do you know if you are Rahu dominant? ›

If your rising ascendant or moon is in the constellation of Ardra (Gemini 6.40-20.00), Swati (Libra 6.40-20.00) or Satabhishak (Aquarius 6.40-20.00), Rahu qualities may dominate. And finally, if you running a Rahu MahDasha, the chart will rotate around Rahu and put in the 1st house.

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