Top 10 Business Analyst Skills For 2024 (2024)

Gaining success in the business analyst career path requires various business analyst key skills. Both technical and non-technical skills are required for this position. Because it is at the intersection of several teams, considerable experience in a variety of abilities, including both technical and soft skills, is required. Here is a list of the most important abilities for business analysts.

Who Is a Business Analyst?

Business analysts (BAs) oversee bridging the gap between IT and the business by analyzing data to evaluate processes, establish requirements, and offer data-driven recommendations and reports to executives and stakeholders. They talk to business leaders and users to find out how making changes based on data to processes, products, services, software, and hardware can boost productivity and create value for the customer. To gather the business analyst skill set, opting for the ECBA Course might be helpful. But first, let's understand the business analyst's core competencies.

Top Skills Required to be a Business Analyst

Top 10 Business Analyst Skills For 2024 (1)

Technical Skills

Probability and Statistics

One of the fundamental business analyst skills required by a business analyst is a proper understanding of statistics and probability. Several processes of statistics and probability will aid business analysts in reading between the figures and coming to conclusions because their job is to identify answers from the available data. Any business analyst should be able to understand the data and make accurate predictions with the use of statistics and probability.

Knowledge of Programming

Business analysts typically work with applicable coding and data. Being able to program is, therefore, necessary for becoming a business analyst; it is a core BA skill. In addition, business analysts benefit from using programming languages like Python and R to handle large amounts of data.

Database management systems should also be something that business analysts can work on. To do this, they can extract, generate, and edit data from various databases using languages like SQL. This is one of the key business analyst skills.

Visualization of data

Data visualization is necessary to convert unprocessed data into digital representations that can be used for action. Using their skills in data visualization, business analysts can help clients understand the data and make decisions that will help them meet their needs.

Business analysts employ many different forms of data visualization techniques, such as scatter plots, sequences of time series, diagrams of polar areas, timelines, various kinds of line and combo graphs, and more. A business analyst needs to know how to use all these methods to make clear and beautiful visualizations. Therefore, it is also considered one of the top business analyst skills in demand.

Programming Skills

As a business analyst, you need to be able to understand and use various programming languages. While not all business analysts will need to be experts in every language, it is important to have a working knowledge of them.

This will allow you to communicate with developers and better understand the code they produce. In addition, knowing how to program can give you insights into how your company's software works and help you identify potential improvements.

Communication Skills

The most crucial of all the abilities needed for business analysts is communication. Their primary responsibility is to offer strategies for business expansion. Therefore, they ought to be able to communicate their ideas and opinions to their team in a style that makes it apparent what they are trying to say.

Daily meetings with clients and stakeholders are another aspect of this job; therefore, professionals must ensure that the clients comprehend their arguments. All this calls for effective communication abilities and important skills required to become a business analyst.

Interpersonal skills

As a business analyst, you must be able to communicate effectively with people from all levels of an organization. This involves listening attentively, asking the right questions, and being able to summarize information. In addition, strong interpersonal skills will allow you to build positive working relationships with your colleagues. By developing these skills, you will be able to accomplish more as a team and achieve your goals.

Critical Thinking

Because they must match the client's expectations with their analysis of the data, business analysts need to be able to think critically. Business analysts must therefore put business requirements and data analysis in order of importance, considering several factors.

Business analysts should focus on the data they are gathering and the procedures they use since only flawless data can provide perfect results. So, business analysts should learn to think critically to meet their companies' different needs. It is also considered to help improve overall business analysis skills.


Business analysts evaluate data, provide reports, and produce documentation based on the data. Therefore, documentation is required and one of the best skills for business analysts. Business analysts can use documentation to make their points clearly and concisely in client and team meetings.

The combination of thorough documentation and effective presentation abilities can leave an impression on clients. With simple tools like MS PowerPoint and MS Excel, business analysts can make clear and convincing documents.

Time management skills

It is one of the business analyst's must-have skills for sure. In addition, a business analyst that is successful at their job should have good time management skills. You will need to schedule and drive to meetings, reply to hundreds of emails, and complete a large amount of paperwork.

Computer systems and functions knowledge

It should be obvious that you should be tech aware. It is one of the basic business analyst technical skills. However, most of the day, analysts work with technology; therefore, if you are averse to modern technology, this isn't your profession.

It would help if you were skilled with tech tools; it is not enough to be only somewhat proficient. Of course, which tools you use will depend on the business you work for, so you should have as many different IT skills as you can. If you're not tech-savvy but are willing to learn, you should start by locating online classes to advance your knowledge.

SQL and SQL Server

BAs must deal with the organization's structured data. They ought to be familiar with databases like Oracle DB, NoSQL, Microsoft SQL, and MySQL. BAs can store and process massive volumes of data with the use of these databases.

Every business analyst needs to have practical SQL experience as it is an essential skill for a business analyst. They can access, retrieve, manipulate, and analyze data using this. They must create, delete, select, update, insert and do other things to define and change data.

Analytical skills

The analytical skill of business analysts is a necessary tool for businesses. Businesses use analysis to understand their customers, markets, and competition. By understanding these things, businesses can make informed decisions that will help them succeed. The analytical skill of business analysts is used in many ways, such as market research, data analysis, and financial analysis.

Business analysts must be able to understand complex data and present it in a way that is easy to understand. They must also be able to think critically and look at information from different angles. These skills are important for business analysts because they allow them to see the big picture and make recommendations to help businesses grow.

Knowledge of Excel

Microsoft Excel is one of the most reliable and established analytics and reporting tools. It is utilized by BAs to carry out various calculations, data, and budget assessments. It aids in separating commercial trends. They produce pivot tables to summarize the data. They use Excel to create various charts. They can produce dynamic reports concerning a business issue in this way.

Data analysis

Business analytics focuses on examining various forms of data to develop useful, data-driven business choices and then putting those decisions into practice by making changes. In addition, in business analytics, insights from data analysis are often used to find problems and find ways to fix them.

Testing and debugging

Although writing programs and apps may not be listed in the job description, testing and debugging will almost surely be listed as preferred qualifications. The logic behind this is simple: if you don't know how to test a digital product, how can you ever know if it complies with specifications?

Technical writing skills

Technical writing abilities are a crucial talent even in today's rapid world. Agile approaches have replaced the need for intricate technical specifications and technical documentation during the last five years. This trend is based on the idea that in-person communication is more productive and efficient.

Advanced process modeling

Since processes serve as a solution's user interface, they are quite visible and receive much project attention. In fact, there is a misconception in some circles that business analysts just create process models. Instead, process models, or diagrams of processes, are merely one aspect of a process's specification.

UML Diagraming

Being a business analyst, you must have the skill to diagram UML. UML diagrams help in visualizing and understanding the flow of data and control within a system. The first step in learning UML is to understand its different symbols and how they are used.

After that, you'll need to learn how to create diverse types of diagrams. Once you have mastered the basics, you can start using UML to model your business processes. By doing so, you'll be able to identify potential problems and find better solutions.

Knowledge of the business domain

A business industry like banking, insurance, manufacturing, etc. is referred to as a "domain". Understanding the procedures, inner workings, and important facets of business is referred to as having domain knowledge. To comprehend the needs of the business, you must communicate with the consumer as a BA. Understanding company procedures will help you attain success.

Data collections skills

Finding trends and patterns in vast amounts of data is the responsibility of a business analyst. They examine data, gather relevant information, and conclude using statistical approaches. The company's decision-makers will then be shown the data and determine how to use it.

Soft Skill

Negotiation skills

These business analyst soft skills will come in handy when you need to help IT and business users talk to each other, when you and IT need to talk about development resources, or when you and the business users are trying to keep the project's scope from growing.

Active listening

Another top skill for a business analyst is to be an excellent listener to be able to acquire quality data. Innovative ideas can come from anybody, but it's doubtful that your business analyst will develop a helpful solution if they cannot understand their colleagues well.

This is related to the value of communication abilities because your business analyst will probably collaborate with various people from different departments. This is one of the key business analyst competencies.

Conflict resolution

These are important skills needed for the business analyst when there is a disagreement between IT and users; deadlines are missed, and emotions are high.

Effective client service methods

As a representative of the IT industry, you must deliver effective client service to the business users you serve if you want to succeed in your position and develop your career. It’s undoubtedly one of the major business analyst qualities.

Making decisions

You can best help your internal clients and do your job to the fullest by making good, business-appropriate, and defensible decisions. You can use a decision matrix or other formalized decision-making tools.

Problem-solving skills

Similar to decision-making, formalized problem-solving strategies can assist you in identifying a problem's underlying causes and outlining viable solutions, such as the Five Whys and brainstorming.

Strategic thinking

Business analysts frequently need to use their creative thinking skills to identify novel business solutions that satisfy the requirements of their internal clients. This approach can be facilitated by basic awareness of strategic thinking methods.

Technical writing

The development of business requirement specifications and other types of documentation is a crucial function of business analysis. Your professional success will depend on how well you can write clear, helpful, and informative documents.

Public speaking and presentation

Don't underestimate the importance of producing and delivering high-quality presentations on application designs, project progress, and business requirements. Senior IT and business management personnel are typically the ones attending your presentations. Your ability to make an impression on them during your presentation may greatly impact how far you advance in your profession.

Planning Aptitudes

Being able to plan and develop strategies to assist a corporation in resolving challenges in the future is a key component of being a business analyst. Your business analyst should have an eye for detail and be able to create a strategy that stands up to inspection. This strategy should be based on information gathered from departments that work together. It should also include suggestions for how to improve how a business works and make more money.

Team Building

As a business analyst, you can be expected to serve as the team leader for formal and ad hoc teams. By organizing, managing, and leading these teams, you may do well in your current job and be ready for higher-level IT jobs in the future.

Being Persuasive

Persuasion involves the other person's sense of the significance of what you are saying, their perception of the necessity of taking a certain action, and their view of the truth and correctness of what you are saying. Even if your communication was successful and the other party understood what you said, what you said can still be viewed as meaningless and not have a significant impact.

It takes time to be persuaded and influential. Gaining trust and being seen as competent experts in the field can come from numerous contacts with the stakeholders over time. You will be able to persuade and influence others in this way.

Managerial Skills and Maintain Professionalism

The project manager is regarded as the ultimate project leader. In this context, it is also true that the business analyst is the spokesperson who communicates the most frequently and does it well. Business-related decision-making, task and information distribution, tech-related critical decision-making, and team coordination are all expected qualities in a business analyst leader.

But it takes time and experience to master the art, so it is also considered a senior business analyst skill. Furthermore, a business analyst must be aware of professional etiquette.

Build Strong Relationships and Avoid Being Transactional

Any business project's success depends on the BA's capacity to influence project decisions, resource staffing, task completion, and overall project directions. They are anticipated to be able to influence the decision-makers and stakeholders, including project managers, as nobody can ever remain heavily involved in just the decision-making process. So, it is expected that they will have some say so that the whole project and the organization's abilities stay effective and efficient.

Critical Analysis

Why is it so crucial for a business analyst to think critically? First, it serves as a quality control check. Although precise requirements and the elimination of biases are not guaranteed, critical thinking is one of the business analyst's core skills. The more precise and real the criteria, the more likely it is that the project's results will meet the real needs of the stakeholders.


Because no two projects are alike, adaptability seems to be one of the crucial skills a business analyst should have. You can't address every project circ*mstance you come across with a template strategy. Instead, a set of guiding principles must be established for the business analyst to follow, and these guidelines shouldn't be broken.

Ask Better Questions

It recalls the image of a business analyst spending time creating a list of questions and worrying over each to decide if it is the best question to ask this stakeholder at this moment and in this circ*mstance. How to Ask the Right Questions is one of the more frequent queries of the business analyst. The problem always centers on asking the "right question," never on "how to ask questions."

Leadership qualities

Your top business analyst must be a good leader because they will likely work with many people from different departments. They must be able to coordinate with any pertinent outside source while also managing their staff.

A team needs to be rallied around a single goal, and the head business analyst needs to be sure they know exactly how to go about doing that. Every company must have a leadership development strategy to ensure its head business analyst has the leadership skills needed to run such a complicated operation.

You can go for the CCBA Course to gain all the necessary information regarding the Certification of Capability in Business Analysis exam prep tips.

Other Important Skills

Understanding the Business Objective

Business objectives are the specific tasks and actions that must be completed to advance the company's aims. Business goals provide a more comprehensive perspective of what the company wants to accomplish. They define the company's ideal state and its desired course of action.

This should be the guiding principle for all projects and commercial decisions, especially at the executive and managerial levels of the employees. Therefore, as a business analyst, you must clearly understand this.

Creation of Reports and Dashboards

It is crucial for any business analyst to have a grasp of various kinds of reports and dashboards to accomplish their goals. It is precisely one of the core strengths of a business analyst. An understanding of the Business Intelligence dashboard can prove to be immensely helpful in this regard.

A business intelligence dashboard, also known as a BI dashboard, shows an organization, department, team, or process's key performance indicators (KPIs) and other significant business metrics and data points on one screen. Dashboards are a core part of most BI software platforms and are often used to give business executives and employees analytic data.

Research: Search and Destroy

When starting a new endeavor, you must conduct extensive research across the entire Internet, as if you had lost one of your lucky socks and couldn't stop until the entire house had been flipped upside down.

The first step in developing a complete solution to the issue facing your business is research. Then, it is the process of getting the facts and numbers you need to come up with a solution.

You must be able to obtain precise information and regularly examine it using your technological and IT skills. In addition, everyone participating in the project must have detailed criteria of the highest caliber, so if they have any queries, your thorough study must address them.

Financial Planning

Planning and budgeting integrated financial planning, management, performance reporting, and forecasting and modeling are the four activities that make up financial planning and analysis (FP&A), which support an organization's financial health. The ability of the finance department to manage performance is improved by FP&A systems that relate the corporate strategy to execution. This is one of the primary ones for the business analyst skills list.

How to Develop Business Analyst Skills?

Now, it is important to understand how your skill sets can be improved as a business analyst. The following are a few tips that might come in handy to understand the skills required for business analyst fresher:

1. Understand why you are looking

Knowing why you are doing something is one of the simplest modifications you can make to your business analysis. For example, are you only conducting a standard business examination, or are you trying to determine the root cause of a specific issue? Ask the person who gave you the work if it turns out that they chose to undertake the business analysis rather than you. Once you've established the goal of your study, you may naturally focus on some of the most crucial elements.

2. Utilize a Range of Tools

There are so many tools accessible to business analysts that it's nearly impossible to use them all without forgetting about a few. If you want to improve as a business analyst, mix various methods and methodologies to get the "largest picture" possible, such as Porter's Five Forces analysis and SWOT analysis.

3. Investigating the Root Causes

Don't just stop there if you notice that your business is struggling because it isn't generating enough revenue. Look further. Try to determine why your things aren't selling; is your marketing failing to make an impact? Is the design of your sales funnel flawed? Instead of focusing only on the problems themselves, you should try to identify the root causes of various issues. You won't have to continuously repair the harm it does if you can find the root of the problem. You may opt for the CCBA Course to learn more about this.

4. Present Findings in a Meaningful Way

Finally, you must ensure that your conclusions are pertinent, defensible, and relevant. Make sure to do this, even if it requires transforming raw data into more realistic images or eliminating some of the less important results of your labor. This will make it easier for you to look back at your analysis and understand it and for everyone else who must look at the results.

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Professionals with experience in important business analyst abilities are constantly needed to boost business operations. Because of this, qualified business analysts are in great demand across all industry sectors. One may also opt for Knowledgehut Business Management courses to gather in-depth knowledge on essential skills for business analysts.

Top 10 Business Analyst Skills For 2024 (2024)


What are the 3 most important skills of business analyst? ›

Critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making are three crucial strengths that are required from a good business analyst. Having industry or business knowledge and management skills are also a plus.

What are the top 3 qualities of a business analyst? ›

Here are the top five qualities that make a successful business analyst:
  • Analytical Skills: Business analysts must have strong analytical skills to dissect complex problems, gather and analyze data, and identify trends and patterns. ...
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is paramount for business analysts.
Sep 12, 2023

What is the future of business analyst? ›

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), business analyst's role is expected to grow by up to 25% by 2030. The future of business analyst role looks extremely bright as it is highly recognized as a crucial role in strategic management in transforming complex data into actionable insights.

Is SQL required for business analyst? ›

SQL is an essential tool for business analysis because it allows analysts to manipulate and query large datasets with ease. Here are some key reasons why SQL is important for business analysis: Data Extraction and Manipulation: SQL is used to extract and manipulate data from databases.

What skills are key to successful business analyst? ›

  • Data Analysis and Visualization.
  • Statistical and quantitative analysis.
  • Proficiency in business intelligence tools. ...
  • Communication and presentation skills.
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking.
  • Interpersonal and negotiation nkills. ...
  • Adaptability and continuous learning.
  • Understanding of machine learning and AI basics.

What is the best skills for business analyst? ›

Core Business Analytics Skills
  • A good communicator. ...
  • Inquisitive. ...
  • A problem solver. ...
  • A critical thinker. ...
  • A visualizer. ...
  • Both detail-oriented and a big picture thinker. ...
  • SQL. ...
  • Statistical languages.

What are the pillars of business analyst? ›

Data, Analysis, Visualization, Modeling, Implementation, Measurement, and Optimization."

How can I be a strong business analyst? ›

6 Tips on How to Succeed as a Business Analyst
  1. Understand the Business. A business analysis professional must always have the bigger picture in mind. ...
  2. Develop Analytical Skills. ...
  3. Adopt a Systems Thinking Approach. ...
  4. Pay Attention to Detail. ...
  5. Follow Industry Trends. ...
  6. Seize Professional Development Opportunities.
Aug 8, 2023

What are the four types of business analysts? ›

What are the four types of business analytics? The four subsets of data analytics are descriptive, diagnostic, prescriptive, and predictive.

What is the job outlook for a business analyst in 2024? ›

Business Analysts have a promising future outlook in 2024, as their importance in various industries continues to grow. Staying updated on job trends and preparing for the future is crucial for both aspiring and experienced Business Analysts.

Is business analyst stressful? ›

As a business analyst, you're no stranger to stress. Tight deadlines, complex data, and high expectations can all contribute to a sense of overwhelming pressure. But when stress levels start to impede your ability to perform effectively, it's crucial to take steps to manage it.

Who earns more business analyst or project manager? ›

Project managers make an average annual pay of $77,633 compared to business analysts, who receive an average yearly salary of $77,154. Despite their ability to find chances in various firms, both individuals typically work full-time in an office environment.

Should I learn SQL or Python for business analyst? ›

If you're aiming for roles in database administration, data engineering, or business intelligence, a solid foundation in SQL is indispensable. Conversely, for data scientists, analysts, and machine learning engineers, Python is often the preferred language due to its versatility in handling complex data tasks.

Should I learn Python or SQL first? ›

Typically, SQL is a good programming language to learn first. As a tool, SQL is essential for retrieving content from relational databases. Compared to Python, SQL may be easier for some people to learn.

Which SQL course is best for business analyst? ›

In summary, here are 10 of our most popular sql courses
  • Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL: University of California, Davis.
  • Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence: University of Colorado System.
  • IBM Data Analytics with Excel and R: IBM.
  • Business Analytics: Campus BBVA.
  • Análisis de Datos de Google: Google.

What is a Level 3 business analyst? ›

Business Analyst Level 3 refers to an advanced stage of training and expertise within the realm of business analysis. It denotes a proficiency level where individuals possess a deep understanding of business processes, data analysis, and project management.

What are the key work of business analyst? ›

Business analysts (BAs) are responsible for bridging the gap between IT and the business using data analytics to assess processes, determine requirements, and deliver data-driven recommendations and reports to executives and stakeholders.

What are the basic requirements of a business analyst? ›

A business analyst must have a bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as business, finance, economics, information technology, or a related discipline is often a minimum requirement. Some positions may require or prefer a master's degree, particularly for more senior or specialized roles.

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